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See more about the body and back problems in Ask the doctor 18 October at 18.45 on SVT1 and SVT Play.

Direct report · Chat with physiotherapist Terese Rehn


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1 min19.45

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All questions to physiotherapist Terese Rehn are written directly here in the chat.

Matilda Sandberg

SVTAsk the doctor

1 day21.08

Do you have back problems?

Neck pain?

Hard to move?


physiotherapist Terese Rehn


your questions!

The chat opens

on Monday 18 October at 7.30 pm

and lasts for one hour.

Feel free to send in your question now!

Matilda Sandberg

SVTAsk the doctor

1 min19.46

Had pain in left leg and groin.

Pain both day and night even though I eat painkillers as much as I can.

It started in May and has gotten worse and worse


Seek care, pain should not get worse and worse then you need to check why it happens.

Terese Rehn


1 min19.45

Have back pain.

Have a hard time keeping my back up when I'm out walking.

Want to bend me forward looks like a folding knife.

Can not walk straight.

Exercises at the gym 2 to 3 times a week.

Does not hurt when I sit or drive a car.

Just to keep your back straight.

Eat blood pressure medicine and cholesterol.


It sounds like you may have spinal stenosis, that it gets crowded in the spinal canal.

Then you can often have problems when walking, but it feels better sitting.

Of course, it is not possible to make a diagnosis based on a chat, but I would advise you to check it out to make sure.

Good luck with your back and how good it is that you work out at the gym!

Terese Rehn


4 min19.42

Gets back shots all the time why?


Unfortunately, it is not possible to answer without having examined you.

I would advise you to seek out someone who can review your mobility and strength in the body.

Good luck, hope you get your back in order!

Terese Rehn


5 min19.42

Bone deposits in the cervical spine, neck what is it?


That's exactly what it sounds like, bone augmentation.

Also called osteophytes.

Terese Rehn


6 min19.40

Hi, I have had photo surgery & it turned out great but have difficulty walking .. they say that the hip flexor has not been trained for many years .. go to a physiotherapist but wonder how I can train this myself? .. am very stiff !!!


I hope you get exercises from your physiotherapist.

If the muscle has been inactive for a long time, you need to give it some time to rebuild.

But great to hear that the operation was successful!

Terese Rehn


8 min19.39

Which movements are suitable if you have a frozen shoulder?


Time is the main factor in FS, it heals spontaneously, but often takes a long time unfortunately.

When the shoulder has started to "thaw", the focus should be on regaining mobility primarily.

Terese Rehn


9 min19.38

Are your thoracic spine movements available online?

Can I print them?



Check this out!

You can also find the clips on Ask the Doctor's page on SVT Play.

Matilda Sandberg

SVTAsk the doctor

9 min19.38

Can neck problems cause headaches and fatigue?


Absolutely, it is often connected!

Terese Rehn
