[Live] Astronauts appeared in the core module

  [Concurrent] Astronaut Zhai Zhigang

  Shenzhou 13 reported that 01 has entered the core module of Tiangong-1, our space home in China.

  [Concurrent] Astronaut Wang Yaping

  In the follow-up, we must unite and cooperate, operate carefully, successfully complete various tasks, and strive to explore the vast universe.

  [Concurrent] Astronaut Ye Guangfu

  Thank you for your support and care for Shenzhou XIII. We will certainly live up to our high expectations. Please rest assured that the party and people!

  [Live] Reply from Beijing Aerospace City Flight Control Center

  Beijing understands that congratulations on your successful completion of the first radial rendezvous and docking and smooth entry into the space station complex. You have worked hard!

I wish all the best in the six months of work in orbit!

  [Explanation] In the early morning of October 16, the Long March 2 F Yao 13 carrier rocket carrying the Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft was launched, sending three astronauts into space.

They are about to embark on a six-month space trip, what are the arrangements for the first day of the "business trip"?

On the same day, a reporter from China News Agency came to Beijing Aerospace City to "remote conversation" with them.

  [Explanation] According to Yang Yanbo, deputy commander of the space station mission of the Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center, from launch to entry into the space and core capsule of the Chinese space station, astronauts need to work continuously for more than ten hours and hardly have time to sleep.

  [Concurrent] Yang Yanbo, Deputy Commander of Space Station, Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center

  After the astronauts are in orbit, in the long-range guidance phase, during the three laps, there will be a short rest for less than one to two hours. However, during this period, there is also a rotation. , To monitor the state of the spacecraft.

  [Explanation] Yang Yanbo told reporters that shortly after the launch of the spacecraft, the astronauts will be put into work to cooperate with the rendezvous and docking of the Shenzhou 13 spacecraft with the core module of Tianhe. After about 6.5 hours, at 6:56 in the morning that day, the spacecraft Completed the rendezvous and docking with the space station assembly.

  [Concurrent] Yang Yanbo, Deputy Commander of Space Station, Beijing Aerospace Flight Control Center

  During the docking process, we also cooperated closely with the astronauts, and we must also switch to manual rendezvous and docking mode under abnormal conditions. Therefore, during the docking process, we also command the astronauts and send the control manual rendezvous and docking related equipment to power up. , Make preparations for this kind of emergency handover.

  【Site】Rendezvous and docking

  Attention, the docking and locking is completed, Shenzhou 13?

  Shenzhou 13 understands.

  [Explanation] The reporter saw on the scene that due to the weightlessness, the astronauts' movement speed became slow, which also added a certain degree of difficulty to their work and made them need to spend a longer time.

  [Explanation] At around 9 o'clock in the morning of the same day, the three astronauts opened a series of doors and entered the Tianhe core capsule at 9:58.

In the afternoon of the day, they will also carry out work such as setting the state of the cabin in the core cabin.

  Reporter Wen Mengxin reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]