Sophia Khatsenkova 7:50 p.m., October 16, 2021

Blanquette of veal, steak fries or burgers ... The eating habits of the French have changed enormously in recent years as explained by Jean-Laurent Cassely, journalist specializing in lifestyles and territorial issues, co-author of "La France sous our eyes "(Ed. du Seuil).

Today, what do the plates of the French gather for?  


He toured the country to understand our new consumption patterns.

Jean-Laurent Cassely, journalist and essayist, specialist in lifestyles and territorial issues, even took the opportunity to scrutinize our plates.

How have our habits evolved in recent decades?

Answer in his book 

La France under our eyes

 (Ed. Du Seuil). 

The French prefer olive oil to butter

The first question tackled by Jean-Laurent Cassely: is France still divided between that of olive oil and that of butter? "We can clearly see that there is still a France of butter and oil. On the other hand, we realized that the France of olive oil has gained ground over butter", explains Jean. -Laurent Cassely. Historically originating in the Mediterranean rim, olive oil has now moved up to the Rhône valley and has conquered market share in the southwest and west. Butter remains dominant in the North, explains the journalist.

Where does this change of habit come from?

"Let's not forget that we are in a world of advertising. Olive oil was pushed by manufacturers in the 1990s and 2000s with the Mediterranean diet, which is considered healthier. And suddenly, the populations, especially urban ones, have adopted olive oil, ”he says. 

The new generations kebab and tacos

Jean-Laurent Cassely has also noticed an acceleration in culinary trends such as kebabs and burgers.

"I come from the McDonalds generation of the 1980s. The French who grew up with it have become a bit gentler with age and we are rediscovering the famous premium brasserie burger, which is now on the menu of almost all restaurants in France. It's the same for kebabs, we are starting to see gourmet kebabs available, "he says. 

The latest addition to the big trends is French tacos, which are very popular with the younger generations today.

"One can wonder if this tacos will accompany the populations who discovered it young when they will get old and change their diet a little bit," he wonders. 

The veal blanquette no longer has the rib 

Among the classic dishes that never go out of style: the steak and fries.

It is a dish appreciated by many French people of different generations.

However, the veal blanquette is in free fall, with fewer and fewer young people enjoying this flagship dish of French gastronomy.