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The world's oldest white rhino who has lived for more than 50 years has died in an Italian zoo.

<Oh!Click> The first search term was 'death of the oldest white rhino'.

Toby, a 54-year-old white rhino who lived at a zoo in Verona, Italy, passed away on the 6th.

Toby went to the shelter to go to bed after spending the day and collapsed and never got up.

The white rhino is the second largest terrestrial mammal after the elephant, with an average lifespan of about 40 years, while Toby lived 14 years longer than the average.

However, local mourning continues over the death of Toby, who has been with him for the past half century.

White rhinos have a long gestation period from 16 to 18 months, and their

natural reproduction is very slow

due to the fact that they give birth every 3 or 4 years


In addition, as rumors that rhino horns are good for chemotherapy spread to Asian countries such as China and Vietnam, they were sacrificed in large numbers.

Netizens commented, “I feel guilty that humans are the cause of the extinction crisis.”, “A rhino who has lived longer than me…

I hope you will meet a lot of friends in the sky and feel comfortable.”