Europe 1 7:10 p.m., October 13, 2021

Every day of the week at 8.13am, Sonia Mabrouk receives a topical guest in the morning of Europe 1.

Thursday, the Minister of Labor, Employment and Integration, Elisabeth Borne, answers her questions.

The Minister of Labor, Employment and Integration, Elisabeth Borne, is the guest of Sonia Mabrouk on Thursday at 8:13 am in the morning of Europe 1. She answers her questions on the rise in the price of energy and the consequences for purchasing power.

She also returns to hot topical issues such as the wage debate. 

The energy bill is soaring, purchasing power takes a hit, the debate on wages is becoming very topical. Concrete and specific themes tomorrow at 8:13 am on @ Europe1 My guest: The Minister of Labor, employment and integration @ Elisabeth_Borne # Eurooe1

- Mabrouk Sonia (@SoMabrouk) October 13, 2021