Europe 1 4:42 p.m., October 13, 2021

On Tuesday, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin announced that the filing of complaints made outside police stations by women victims of violence would soon be experienced.

Françoise Brié, the director of the National Federation of Solidarity Women was the guest of Europe 1 this Wednesday noon.

She draws up a very critical observation of the police stations.


On Tuesday, the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, announced that the collection of complaints outside the police stations of abused women would soon be tested.

This complaint could therefore be made with a friend of the victim, in the family or within a third structure.

Françoise Brié, director of the National Federation of Solidarity Women and member of Grevio (Group of experts on the fight against violence against women) was the guest this Wednesday noon at the microphone of Europe 1. For the activist, this announcement is welcome because "for some victims, it is complicated to enter a police station".


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The police station, the fear of women victims of violence?

As evidenced by the hashtag #DoublePeine which has flourished in recent days on social networks, denouncing the poor reception of women in police stations where, according to Françoise Brié, the conditions of confidentiality and anonymity are not necessarily met: "There is police stations where it is possible, others where it is less so. And it is true that walking through the door of a police station or a gendarmerie is a strong gesture. always obvious to them ".

If the police station is not suitable, "other professional places could also be developed. We see that it is possible in hospitals. It could also be in associations which support and accommodate women victims of violence, even of violence. other professionals. It must be done within a well-defined framework, obviously with the agreement of the victim. is offered to them, "explains the activist.


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Insufficient training

According to the association director, the training that has been put in place so that the police officers receive better the words of the victims are insufficient.

"We can see that there are nevertheless a certain number of places which are still in difficulty, where complaints are not received, where women are not necessarily received by specialized professionals who can provide them with such an important welcome in the world. when the complaint is filed. Because a female victim who will file a complaint is really a very strong element in her career and from there will follow all the legal proceedings that will continue. So it deserves very important conditions and it is true that for a certain number of women, they are not yet quite well filled, “she analyzes.