China News Service, Beijing, October 10 (Zhang Yilin) ​​"I am autistic" and "emo is today". Nowadays, many popular expressions are circulated on the Internet as funeral culture, but long-term autism and low mood may not be emotional problems. , But suffer from depression.

  October 10th is World Mental Health Day.

Today, let us focus on mental health, starting from the "heart", and be alert to "emotional colds."

Data map: Hunan Provincial Psychiatric Center has opened a new coronary pneumonia psychological counseling service nationwide.

Photo by Fu Jingyi

Depressed, insomnia and anxiety... Are you depressed?

  When paying attention to "mental health", we must first understand that depression and emotional depression are not the same thing.

  Wu Yaxue, a psychiatrist at Beijing Huilongguan Hospital, once introduced that depression usually refers to major depressive disorder. There are also many types of depressive disorders. Not all unhappy and low moods are depression.

  According to the "Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mental Disorders (2020 Edition)" issued by the National Health Commission last year, depressive disorder is a type of mood disorder that is caused by various reasons and has a significant and lasting depression as the main clinical feature. The degree of cognition and behavior changes, some patients have self-harm, suicidal behavior, and even die as a result.

  It can be seen that depression is a serious health risk, and the harm is far more than just "emotional depression".

  Not only adults, but depression is very prominent among all age groups in our country.

In September last year, the National Health Commission released the "Working Plan for Exploring Special Services for the Prevention and Treatment of Depression", which included the elderly, adolescents, pregnant women, and high-pressure occupations as key groups with high incidence of depression.

  Therefore, depression is not a problem of a certain person or a certain age group, but a public health problem that we all need to face squarely.

Data map: Nanjing volunteers "seeking hugs" on the streets, calling for care for patients with depression.

Photo by Yang Bo

Depressive episode?

Be alert to these symptoms

  Depression is a common disease worldwide.

According to data released by the World Health Organization this year, it is estimated that approximately 280 million people in the world suffer from depression.

The cause of illness is generally considered to be the result of a combination of social, psychological and biological factors.

  Various factors such as family relationships, life pressures, and peer relationships have woven a complex network, trapping many people in the pain of depression.

  However, while depression is showing a trend of younger age, the rate of consultation has been low.

  On the one hand, when people face depression, they may not realize that this is a disease. They not only ignore the related symptoms and patients, but also discriminate.

On the other hand, depression has the problem of being easily missed and misdiagnosed.

  So, how can you define whether you have depression?

  Yang Fude, secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Huilongguan Hospital, introduced last year that although there are no corresponding physiological indicators, there are still clear criteria for defining symptoms of depression.

  There are 3 core symptoms of depression:

  Depressed mood, significant and lasting depression, lasting at least 2 weeks, typical cases have the characteristics of morning and night light rhythm changes;

  Loss of interest, lack of pleasure even in activities that are of daily interest;

  The lack of energy or fatigue is obvious.

  There are also 7 additional symptoms of depression:

  Reduced ability to concentrate and pay attention;

  Decreased self-evaluation and self-confidence;

  Self-guilt and sense of worthlessness;

  Think that the future is bleak and pessimistic;

  Ideas or behaviors of self-harm or suicide;

  sleep disorder;

  Appetite decreased.

  If these symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks, beware of the possibility of depression.

Data map: Psychological counselor talking with patients.

Photo by Lu Ming

I have a cold, how to treat it?

  Chen Lin, deputy chief physician of the Department of Psychiatry at Beijing Huilongguan Hospital, once said that although the etiology of depression is not very clear, it is still a treatable disease. Most of them can be cured after treatment, and like other diseases, the sooner the treatment is effective The better.

  Therefore, the treatment and prevention of depression need to be paid attention to, and patients with depression also need to be fully understood and supported.

  At the macro level, the country's emphasis on mental health is also increasing.

In the "Working Plan for Exploring Depression Prevention and Cure Specialized Services", such a goal is put forward: By 2022, the public's awareness rate of depression prevention and treatment knowledge will reach 80%, the rate of depression treatment visits will be increased by 50%, and the treatment rate will be increased by 30%.

  Experts remind that to prevent depression, we must learn to relieve stress, proper physical exercise, regular work, rest and sleep. Some mild anxiety, insomnia, depression and other mental illnesses can be solved by rest and relaxation.

But if it obviously affects your life and rest and causes a lot of pain to yourself, you need to go to the hospital to see a doctor for treatment.

  Facing the depression patients around us, the first thing we need to do is to understand, and only on the basis of understanding can we consider providing the patients with help within our capacity.
