Today (10th) is World Mental Health Day, the results of the "Epidemiological Survey on Chinese Children and Adolescents' Mental Disorders" were announced.

Survey data shows that the prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents nationwide is 17.5%.

The mental health of children and adolescents in my country is facing severe challenges.

The overall prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents in my country is 17.5%

   "The Epidemiological Survey of Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents in China" is the first nationwide epidemiological survey of mental disorders in children and adolescents in China.

Since its launch in December 2012, after nearly 9 years of scientific research, an epidemiological survey and data analysis of more than 73,000 children and children aged 6 to 16 have shown that the overall prevalence of mental disorders in children and adolescents in my country is 17.5%. .

Among them, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder accounted for 6.4%, anxiety disorder accounted for 4.7%, oppositional defiant disorder accounted for 3.6%, and major depressive disorder accounted for 2.0%. These are the mental disorders with the highest prevalence among children and adolescents.

  Zheng Yi, chief expert of child psychiatry, a professor at Beijing Anding Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University, said that due to the accelerated pace of life and the increasingly fierce social competition, changes in family structure, the problem of only-children, and Internet addiction are affecting the family and society.

The high hopes of parents, the pressure of study, the competition of entering school, and the complicated and changeable social environment have brought different degrees of tension, stimulation and psychological pressure to children and adolescents. People have neglected the early mental health education of children and adolescents.

Zheng Yi, chief expert of child psychiatry, professor at Beijing Anding Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical University:

If our core knowledge reaches 80%, most children can be diagnosed and treated early. Our epidemiological survey is one of the largest Achievement should be able to arouse public awareness and attach great importance to mental disorders in children and adolescents.

Cognitive lack of stigma leads to delays in treatment

  Experts pointed out that the psychological problems of primary and middle school students mainly focus on emotional stability and learning adaptation problems, while college students mainly manifest themselves as anxiety, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and depression.

Due to the lack of family knowledge of mental health and the stigma of patients and family members, many patients have delayed the best treatment period. It is urgent to treat them early and strengthen mental health education for children and adolescents.

  In the Pediatric Ward of Beijing Anding Hospital, due to the rapid growth of children and adolescents with mental illness, patients have to wait at least a year before they are hospitalized for treatment.

Experts say that some parents have delayed treatment due to lack of understanding of the disease.

Xiao Cunli, Dean and Chief Physician of Ping An Hospital in Xicheng District, Beijing:

Depression is not terrible. The terrible thing is that the stigma makes people afraid to come to see a doctor.

It is hoped that through this kind of popular science propaganda, the common people will know that depression can be treated and can be prevented.

  Experts pointed out that if there are long-term negative emotions such as tension, anxiety, depression, etc., you should go to the hospital as soon as possible to avoid delaying the condition.

At the same time, it is necessary to establish mental health education curriculum services for children and adolescents as soon as possible, do a good job in the work of mental health knowledge and mental illness science, prevent children and adolescents from psychological and behavioral problems early, and let children and adolescents grow up healthily and happily.

Three levels of protection inject vitality into mental health work

  Adolescents’ psychological and behavioral problems, adolescent mental illness problems, young people’s depression problems, elderly people’s anxiety problems, etc., have attracted more and more attention.

Beijing has established a three-level mental health protection system at the city, district, and sub-district levels, so that residents can get consultations nearby, and inject vitality into mental health work through scientific work on mental health and mental illness.

  At Anxin Mental Health Service Center in Xicheng District, Beijing, Xiaomei, a depression patient, is singing her favorite songs in the Sunshine House. This Sunshine House provides patients with an environment for discovering their potential, actively helping themselves and mentally repairing, and helping them improve. Their adaptability and ability to adjust to the surrounding environment.

  In the health service center, Xiao Ming's mother, a depression patient, learned to communicate with her children through expert answers, and gradually learned to communicate with her children, respect and accept children, and be able to face depression correctly.

Xiaoming's mother:

Human desires may not end. When our children are good, there is indeed a higher standard.

When a child is in a bad state, we will treat it with a lower standard and knowledge to accept this status quo.

  Since the child suffered from depression, Xiao Ming's mother gave up the idea of ​​pursuing perfection and only hoped that the child could grow up healthy.

With the help of the doctor, communicate with the child to understand the various information conveyed by the child in time.

  Experts point out that children's psychological development is an extremely complex process, which is affected by genetics, natural environment, social environment, family factors, school factors and other aspects.

Parents should create a good family atmosphere for their children, cultivate healthy interests, reduce the anxiety that endless competitions bring to their children, and avoid the harm and influence of the parents' bad relationship on their children.

Depression requires immediate medical attention

  If friends and relatives have depression, how can we help?

Listen to the advice of experts.

  Experts suggest that if you find that your relatives and friends have sustained depression for more than two months, you should persuade him to go to the psychology specialist clinic of the hospital for medical treatment.

The doctor will make a judgment on the condition with the help of auxiliary means such as the professional mood scale.

Lu Jin, chief physician of the Department of Psychiatry at the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University:

There are two more effective methods in the treatment guidelines for depression in the world, one is medication and the other is psychotherapy.

Drug therapy can regulate some chemicals in the brain that affect emotions, and psychotherapy can solve some negative life events and some problems in negative thinking. Both methods are effective.

The current drugs are not dependent and are relatively safe.

  Experts say that patients with depression are very painful. As relatives and friends, they should provide more care and warmth. Do not think that they are making a fuss or thinking that they are too hypocritical.

Huang Yueqin, director of the Department of Social Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Peking University Sixth Hospital: If you

find relatives and friends of patients with depression, they should be encouraged to face the reality, that they should go to the doctor if they are physically sick, instead of complaining, not accusing, and not sarcastic Sarcastic, you are not so strong, you are so timid, but to encourage them to actively seek medical treatment.

  Experts remind that maintaining a regular schedule, not staying up late, active exercise, and more sun exposure are currently known effective methods to prevent depression.