How to give children a "heart-wrenching" love?

|World Mental Health Day

  Today is World Mental Health Day, and the theme of the event is "Youth Mind and Youth".

  Mental health is an important part of health.

  Mental health is of vital importance to children and adolescents.

  What can we do to care for the mental health of children and adolescents?

  Take a look.

  What psychological problems may occur in adolescents

  1. Learning problems: common learning difficulties, passive learning, loss of interest in learning, weariness of school, truancy, etc. are common.

With the increase in the content and difficulty of the work, some teenagers are prone to problems such as fear of difficulty and even tired of studying.

Some teenagers even think that their future is bleak.

  2. Internet addiction: In today's society, the influence of the Internet on young people is beyond imagination.

Some teenagers have been habitually immersed in online games for a long time, have a strong dependence on the virtual world, and their willpower is relatively weak, so that they have reached the level of obsession, and have behavior and psychological states that are difficult to free themselves.

  3. Emotional problems: Adolescents are in the rebellious period and are prone to emotional problems, such as depression, irritability, irritability, and hostility.

In the outpatient clinic, anxiety and depression are the most common among adolescents.

  4. Interpersonal relationship problems: During adolescence, the relationship between adolescents and their parents has changed. Adolescents begin to establish a self-identity separated from their families, and they begin to seek more independence.

On the one hand, teenagers in adolescence are insecure. On the one hand, they demand independence, hoping to get rid of the life of relying on their parents, eager to get out of the family and establish partnership; on the other hand, they lack self-confidence, fear frustration, and always worry about themselves. Its shortcomings and shortcomings are not accepted by others, and even annoying.

At the same time, the generation gap with their parents, being ignored by their classmates, and having a bad relationship with their teachers also caused them a headache.

  5. Sexual psychology and early love: Psychological research shows that after adolescents enter puberty, with the changes in sexual physiology, complex changes in their sexual psychology are also taking place.

These changes have brought distress to young people.

In particular, some young people are attacked by certain bad influences in society, and they are very susceptible to the temptation of bad sexual consciousness.

They began to pay attention to the opposite sex, getting close to the opposite sex, and then a series of problems such as premature love.

  How to help young people solve psychological problems

  One is to learn to listen, and to communicate sincerely. Don't blindly deny or criticize the external behavior of young people. We must communicate with young people sincerely and analyze the inner psychological needs and confusion of their behavior.

When they need you, your help is the key to their ability to make the right decision.

When you are talking to teenagers, be fully focused, not absent-minded, let alone looking at your mobile phone.

  The second is to assist young people in self-regulation and use smile and encouragement to reduce the academic and interpersonal pressure that young people may face.

Encourage young people to participate in arts and sports activities to regulate emotional behavior.

  The third is not to avoid major issues and conflicts. Always maintain a respectful and open attitude to communicate with young people, and truly sit on an equal footing, "looking up" at them, rather than lowering your head and "looking down" at them.

  After the children and their parents make adjustments, if the above problems still do not improve, please go to the hospital for professional guidance and help from a psychologist.

  7 manifestations of adolescents' mental health

  ● Normal intelligence

  ● Mental age accords with actual age

  ● Emotional stability

  ● Personality characteristics gradually improved

  ● Better self-control

  ● Proper handling of interpersonal relationships

  ● Good frustration tolerance and pressure resistance

  Young people are strong, the country is strong

  With the sun in your heart, rush forward

  Powerful country, the future can be expected

  Deputy Dean and Chief Physician of the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University

  Li Yening, psychotherapist at the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University

  Source: Healthy China