It's important for a pregnant woman to eat enough to give her baby the vital nutrients he needs to grow, and while most doctors encourage women to gain a little weight during pregnancy, what should they do if they're obese?

In the past, doctors did not want to promote weight loss during pregnancy for obese women out of fear for the fetus, but new research shows that obese women can safely exercise and diet for weight loss without any negative impact on their children's well-being.

Is it safe to lose weight during pregnancy?

A recent study published in the British Medical Journal found that obese women who adhered to advice about diet and exercise during pregnancy had better outcomes for both mother and child. The incidence of gestational diabetes increased by 61%, and healthy eating also reduced the risk of high blood pressure during pregnancy and premature birth.

Does obesity cause miscarriage?

According to the Mayoclinic website, being overweight or obese does not cause miscarriages, but increased insulin resistance and changes in androgen and estrogen are a major physiological link related to abnormal BMI and miscarriage, and high BMI is also associated with PCOS. by abortion.

Doctors indicate that the rates of miscarriage in overweight women are 29% higher than in women with a normal body mass index, and obesity increases the risk of pregnancy by 73%.

Being overweight or obese does not cause a miscarriage (Getty Images)

When am I considered obese?

Obesity is diagnosed when your BMI is 30 or higher. To determine your BMI, divide your weight in kilograms by your height in square metres.

For example, if your height is 170 centimeters and your weight is 75 kilograms, then 170 centimeters is converted into a meter unit, so it becomes 1.7, then divide the weight by its square, so the result in this case is 25.95.

What are the risks for a pregnant woman who suffers from obesity?

According to the Verywellfamily website, the higher the BMI, the higher the risk of miscarriage, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia, blood clots, and the possibility of heavier than normal bleeding after giving birth.

Obesity may also increase your baby's risk of problems such as premature birth, being overweight and having excess body fat at birth, or stillbirth, and an increased risk of developing a chronic condition such as heart disease or diabetes later in life.

How can you lose weight safely during pregnancy?

If a pregnant woman decides to lose weight, she should do so in moderation, because it is not the time to try a strict diet or an intense exercise program. pregnancy period.

Treat your pregnancy as an opportunity

Pregnancy can be a great time to start an exercise program and change your diet. Pregnant women are more likely to visit their doctor regularly, have the opportunity to ask a lot of questions, and have a new baby is a reason to want a change and a better life.

Pregnancy can be a great time to start an exercise program and change your diet (Getty Images)

start slowly

You should start any new exercise slowly, gradually increasing it over time, and exercise for only 5 or 10 minutes each day, and then add another 5 minutes the following week.

The main goal is to stay active for approximately 30 to 45 minutes each day, and walking and swimming are excellent options for people who are new to exercise.

Avoid unhelpful calories

According to Healthline, during pregnancy you should stop junk food, fried food, soft drinks, pastries and sweets.

One study found that changes in diet were more effective than exercise alone in helping women reduce weight gain and improve outcomes for their children.

Do not over-train

Moderate physical activity won't harm your baby, but strenuous exercise can be dangerous during pregnancy.

An easy rule of thumb for knowing how hard you're exercising is to be able to comfortably hold a conversation while you're exercising. If you're breathing too hard to talk, you're probably working out too hard.

Listen to your body, and if something is bothering you, stop exercising and take a break.

With the need to avoid any kind of sports or activities that can lose your balance and make you fall.

Strenuous exercise can be dangerous during pregnancy (Getty Images)

Stay away from fad diets

Your pregnancy is not the time to try a new diet or fad to lose weight. These diets are often very restrictive in calories, so you won't be able to provide your baby with the nutrients he needs to stay healthy.

These diet fads can be very dangerous for your child if they cause you to lose weight too quickly, or if they only allow you to eat a very small group of foods.

Your child needs a lot of different vitamins, and cannot get them through a restrictive diet, and it is best to view it as a lifestyle change that will come in the long run rather than a strict diet.

Take prenatal supplements

While a healthy, balanced diet contains most of the vitamins and minerals necessary for you and your baby, taking a prenatal supplement can help fill in any gaps.

Prenatal supplements may also help you stave off food cravings and overeating because your body won't feel deprived.

Don't blame yourself

If you're overweight and have had a miscarriage, resist blaming yourself. Miscarriages can happen to any woman, and being overweight may not be the only reason you're having trouble getting pregnant.