Some people call it "intuition" or "instinct", and it is also known as the "sixth sense", but does this sense really exist?

Do all people enjoy it?

Writer Natalie Sabiro says in a report published by the French newspaper "Lefigaro", that the "sixth sense" is an amazing thing for most people, as it is information that is imposed on us without awareness and cannot be explained logically.

Intuition depends on the rapid assembly of a large amount of sensory information at a given moment (Getty Images)

wide sensory perception

Clinical psychologist Jean Siod Vakshin believes that the matter "has no spiritual aspect", as intuition depends on the rapid collection of a large amount of sensory information at a given moment, a kind of scanning that is in the range of 360 degrees, and at a lower level of consciousness.

“Intuition requires a great ability to pick up on some of the weak signals in our environment. This very broad perception, which travels at high speed in our brain, can also be associated with elements that have already been memorized to suddenly acquire a specific meaning. We often reject this deep conviction that appears Suddenly because it is impossible for us to interpret, unlike inference, deduction, or thoughtful interpretation which take slower paths in the brain.”

The most intelligent people often have intuition or a "sixth sense" (Getty Images)

Is intuition just a coincidence?

People who are smarter and more able to process information at twice the speed of normal often have intuition, or a "sixth sense", and this allows them to solve problems very quickly without realizing how to arrive at conclusions, according to the author.

Alexis Champion, founder of the "Eris" School of Intuition and responsible for a number of research projects in this field, says that "the US Army conducted research to see if there is a way to improve this intuition, and it has been concluded that it is possible."

Champion opposes those who believe that intuition is often just a coincidence, saying, "When we resort to intuition to try to guess what is hidden under an upside-down picture, for example, our chance of success is greater than we might expect from chance; this has been statistically proven ".

Alexis Champion, founder of the Eris School of Intuition: Improving intuition is possible (Getty Images)

latent abilities

When talking about animals, intuition seems more developed, as elephants - for example - with their ability to perceive ultrasonic vibrations of seismic waves, were able to hide and survive the tsunami that hit the coasts of the Indian Ocean in the continent of Asia in 2004. It is known that animals have a high sensitivity towards changes in atmospheric pressure and magnetic field.

According to the author, it has long been thought that humans lack this sensitivity, but a geophysicist at Caltech, Joseph Kirshvink, showed in a paper he published in 2016 that by exposing 34 individuals, placed in Faraday cages, to moving magnetic fields of weaker intensity than The Earth's magnetic field, the electroencephalogram showed it interacting with the waves without their realizing it.

This means that a person may be sensitive to magnetic waves, but has lost the ability to interpret their signals in a conscious way.

Humans may be sensitive to magnetic waves, but lose the ability to interpret their signals in a conscious way (Pixabe)

Can this capacity for conscious interpretation be restored?

The writer says that this still needs scientific proof, but what we currently know is that with training some people can develop new sensory faculties.

For example, echolocation makes it possible to distinguish between the position and size of objects without being seen, by bouncing ultrasound waves.

Develop intuition

Champion asserts that “everyone can develop their intuition. The first key is to pay attention to the questions we ask ourselves subconsciously through emotion, desire, prejudice, etc., and the second key is to always pay attention to the feeling that appears suddenly without logical reasons, and open the door for it.” Because that increases the likelihood of being affected by it and being aware of it.”

And Vacation offers the third key, saying, "We have to work on being more attentive to what the body is telling us, at least a few minutes a day. It's an essential first step to better relate to the world around us."