Laurent Mariotte 12:53 p.m., October 09, 2021

Every Saturday, Laurent Mariotte and his guest give you advice, tips and tricks on gastronomy and food.

A useful light on the art of eating well.

Today, learn everything about the great pairings of haute cuisine with our guest, chef Benoît Bordier at La Garenne-Colombes.


Benoît Bordier

, chef at Garenne-Colombes.

Recipe : 

3 egg yolks

1 tsp.

tablespoon Dijon mustard 

2 pinches of salt 

25 cl of grape seed oil 

1 pinch of soluble coffee 

1 very hot espresso (4 cl) 

Briskly whip the egg yolks with the mustard, soluble coffee and salt.

Without stopping whipping, pour in the oil little by little. 

When your mayonnaise becomes firm, pour in the hot espresso and whisk well. 

Serve the mayonnaise over hard-boiled eggs or with cooked shrimp.