In view of its importance for public life in Germany, one would have wished for a little more accuracy in determining the vaccination rate.

Even after the considerable correction of the vaccination rate, we do not really know how many people are actually vaccinated against Corona.

The number of those who were vaccinated by the family doctor but still not recorded by the Robert Koch Institute is too large.

The five percentage points that must now be added to the vaccination quota are around 3.5 million people who are vaccinated, to which millions more could come.

No matter how high the number is, it suddenly comes much closer to the desired size, but the declared goal of the Corona policy has still not been achieved.

In any case, politicians have given up enforcing the appropriate vaccination quota.

The closure of the vaccination centers is the unspoken admission that it is not vaccinations, but the once spurned contamination that should achieve herd immunization.

This is not necessarily more responsible, but it gives back the feeling of freedom.

It is a deceptive feeling, because at the latest when immunization is achieved in spring, as predicted by Health Minister Spahn, the question of the vaccination quota, that of the third vaccination, will again arise.

And so forth.