<Anchor> The

presidential candidates of the ruling and opposition parties are continuing their offensive day after day, putting Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung at the center of the suspicion of preferential treatment in Daejang-dong. The Blue House, which has not taken a position so far, said it is closely monitoring the allegations of Jangdong-dong.

Correspondent Lee Hyun-young.

<Reporter> The

debate between Democratic Party candidates Lee Jae-myung and Lee Nak-yeon over suspicions of preferential treatment for Daejang-dong has become more intense.

Candidate Lee Nak-yeon opened the door to the Democratic Party's crisis by calling the arrested Mr. Dong-gyu Yoo an aide to candidate Lee Jae-myung.

[Lee Nak-yeon / Democratic Party Presidential Candidate: Hasn't the person who recently worked with Candidate Lee Jae-myung been arrested? He answered without knowing whether it was an apology or not.]

Candidate Jae-myung Lee strongly felt responsible for the management, but protested, saying that he should also be responsible for the personal corruption of the employees.

[Lee Jae-myung / Democratic Party Presidential Candidate: I said that I felt sorry for the responsibility, and now the reality has not been fully revealed, so let's watch the process a bit... .]

Candidate Choo Mi-ae criticized Candidate Nak-yeon Lee for creating excessive anxiety over the suspicion of Daejangdong.

The opposition presidential candidate's camp also pushed candidate Lee Jae-myung at once.

Candidate Yoon Seok-yeol's side demanded that the president support the introduction of the special prosecutor as a betrayal and renunciation of responsibility for the people who want to find out the truth and punish them.

Candidate Hong Jun-pyo posted on SNS and declared, "Governor Jae-myung Lee is practicing a thick-faced and dark-hearted black face," and declared that he had no choice but to take responsibility as an accomplice.

The Blue House, which had been silent, also made a statement for the first time, and said that it was thinking seriously about the allegations of Daejang-dong and was watching it.

A high-ranking official at the Blue House drew the line that it had no political meaning, even though it was meant to be understood as considering the sentiments of the people who experienced the LH crisis in a situation where an astronomical amount is being discussed.

(Video coverage:

Jeong Sang-

bo, video editing: Kim Jin-won) 

▶ [Exclusive] “100 million won was delivered to Dong-gyu Yoo in cash and 400 million by check”

▶ [Exclusive] '300 million doubt' operator "I have money to receive from Daejang-
