The incident on Friday is being investigated by several different bodies.

The school has made a report to the social services and to the school administration as a matter of violation.

In addition, it has been reported to the Swedish Work Environment Authority.

The school principal Conny Persson was involved already during the weekend and he is appalled by what he has been told, especially when it comes to the young age of those involved.

- We talk about children, about small children.

Has taken safety precautions

Among the concrete measures that have already been decided on are to densify the staffing of staff and identify places in the schoolyard where it is difficult to keep an eye on.

According to the mother of the battered eight-year-old, staff at the school did not call an ambulance despite the boy having been unconscious for some time.

Instead, they called for the relatives.

Is it really the school's routine?

- If we have a serious injury, it is clear that we call an ambulance.

But I can not answer what considerations the staff have made in this situation, says Conny Persson.