There is a picture that is loved by many people online, and it is a picture of a little boy in the United States.

It was recently put up for auction and sold for about 87 million won.

When the parents tell their two daughters they're taking them to Disneyland, the older sister Lily loves it to the point of crying.

However, the younger brother Chloe looks at the camera with a grumpy expression on her face and squints at her sister.

This is a video uploaded to SNS in 2013, and Chloe's squinting face was very popular and was captured and used a lot as a so-called Internet meme.

Recently, Chloe's family put this image up for an NFT auction, a non-fungible token, and a music production company based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, won a bid for 25 Ether, about 87 million won.

The winning company says it has no problem keeping people using the photos as memes online with only ownership.

The protagonist of the photo, Chloe, also revealed a grand dream of building Disneyland with the proceeds from this auction, and her mother said that she would use it to educate her children.