Europe 1 11:00 a.m., September 26, 2021, amended 11:31 a.m., September 26, 2021

On Europe 1, CNews and Les Echos, Sunday morning, Eric Zemmour spoke about his political career and the prospect of running for the presidential election next April. The polemicist believes that the risk of embodying a "betrayal" by renouncing to stand as a candidate weighs in his decision, which he rejects.

"There is enthusiasm for my candidacy": on Europe 1, CNews and Les Echos, Sunday morning, Éric Zemmour welcomed the enthusiasm around the possibility of seeing him as a candidate for the presidential election, a decision that it has not yet taken (and even less formalized).

"I will choose at the time," he said during the

Grand Rendez-vous

, questioned about his political inclinations, about which many rumors have been circulating for several weeks.

The prospect of a "betrayal"

Once again, Eric Zemmour therefore avoided questions about his possible candidacy, while considering the possibility of carrying a "betrayal" if he did not appear.

"If I didn't go, I would disappoint a lot of people, that's for sure. And it will be taken as desertion, betrayal, etc. It counts in my decision making."

>> Find the Grand Rendez-vous every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Europe 1 as well as in podcast and replay here

Relaunched on the risks of being perceived as the bearer of betrayal in the event of renunciation, the polemicist responded indirectly.

"I hope that in my life I don't have to show these flaws," he slipped with a smile.

The author of

France has not said its last word

 is credited with around 10% of voting intentions in the latest opinion polls, although he has not declared himself.