SVT's team is on site in one of the polling stations and meets, among others, Charlotta Simache, Ayman Zebian and Frau Wolf.

- It will be extremely exciting, the most exciting choice of my life, says Charlotta Simache and continues:

- I have not experienced so many, but still.

Ayman Zebian also cast his vote on election day, assuring that he was not the only one in the family to do so:

- My wife is coming, but she's still home.

She does not know how to vote yet.

The problem is that many people go after their feelings and decide late.

But for me it was clear from the beginning, says Ayman Zebian.

Frau Wolf votes for "Christianity and the Christian Democrats".

- It is most important.

This is how I vote as long as I live, and I'm 93 years old.

See more voter votes in the clip.