As countries' battles for initiative over fossil fuel alternatives to next-generation energy intensify, the government is involved in creating international rules and frameworks in the energy field by investing human resources and budgets in international organizations. It is a policy to strengthen.

As the response to climate change issues has become an issue for the international community, European countries, the United States, China, etc. are accelerating the introduction of renewable energy and the development of cutting-edge technologies such as electric vehicles. The battle for initiative over next-generation energy and industry is intensifying.

Under these circumstances, the Government of Japan has a policy of strengthening its involvement in the creation of international rules and frameworks for next-generation energy. Atsuko Hirose, who was recommended by Japan, was appointed as the deputy secretary general of the company.

In addition, we will increase contributions to the IEA (International Energy Agency), which regulates the stable supply of international energy, and support the conversion to renewable energy and natural gas for oil-producing countries in Asia and the Middle East. I am.