Philippine Darblay 10:30 a.m., September 24, 2021

Work on your traumas and blockages thanks to a shamanic ceremony around cocoa?

This is possible thanks to a new trend that is raging in Anglo-Saxon countries.

The explanations of the Philippine columnist Darblay in the program "Bienfait pour vous" on Europe 1, Monday.

This is the new trend that is emerging in Anglo-Saxon countries: rituals around cocoa.

These are ceremonies that are dedicated to this ingredient.

The goal: to unlock the benefits of cocoa while being accompanied by music such as a shamanic ceremony.

We can recognize that this trend has the advantages of highlighting both an ancestral practice that is turned towards the positive.

And then, it also recalls the benefits of cocoa. 

The multiple benefits of cocoa

Before going into detail in the ceremony, it should be remembered that cocoa is not the same as chocolate.

It is simply its basis.

Cocoa is therefore a powder from the seeds of the cocoa tree, a tree considered to be a medicinal plant.

Cocoa has a lot of properties and can act on cholesterol, rheumatism, arthritis, and blood pressure.

It is an ingredient rich in iron, magnesium, vitamins, copper, with anti-inflammatory effects.

And above all, it helps release dopamine and endorphins that affect mood.

It even contains anandamide, which has an impact on motivation and the sense of pleasure.

The cocoa ceremony: how does it work?

The cocoa ceremony dates back to indigenous cultures of Latin America, dedicated to healing.

First, the cocoa is prepared in a liquid form, such as a coffee.

You can add coconut milk, essential oils, spices, or vanilla.

After drinking it, people set "intentions" for themselves.

Similar to meditation, these are goals to which we dedicate this moment of calm.

A series of breathing exercises follows to put yourself even more into a trance.

It is important to note that there is no alteration of consciousness in this ceremony.

The goal is to work on blockages and traumas, to dissolve negative energies and to stimulate creativity.

A ceremony at home?

This ceremony is possible to do at home.

According to Shani Jay, founder of the blog "She Rose Revolution", you must first choose an ethical cocoa and test the taste that suits you.

For animation, she recommends choosing activities according to your preferences, whether singing, meditation, etc.

It is therefore up to you to make your own tailor-made ceremony.