Exclusive video丨Xi Jinping: The world is completely tolerant for the common growth and progress of all countries

  On the 21st, President Xi Jinping attended the general debate of the 76th UN General Assembly in Beijing by video and delivered an important speech entitled "Strengthening Confidence, Overcoming the Difficulties and Building a Better World".

  Xi Jinping said: "The success of one country does not mean that another country will fail. This world is fully tolerant for the common growth and progress of all countries. We must persist in dialogue without confrontation, tolerance and not exclusiveness, and build mutual respect, fairness and justice, A new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, expand the convergence of interests, and draw the largest concentric circles."

  Producer丨Shen Yong

  Reporter丨Shi Wei, Wang Pengfei, Xing Bin, Lu Xinyu

  Video丨Li Zheng and Duan German