Paris (AFP)

An enzyme, which enters the nuclei of certain cells when they are compressed, may play a role in worsening breast cancer by promoting the spread of tumors, a study published Tuesday suggests.

Conducted by teams from CNRS, Institut Curie and Inserm, this study, published in the journal Cell, focuses on the way cells behave when compressed together, especially when they develop in large sizes. number inside of tumors in the breast.

This research is based on an initial idea, already validated by other studies: this compression of cells encourages tumors to spread and, therefore, to aggravate cancer.

But we do not know what mechanism links the two phenomena.

To answer this, the study authors took cells from patients with certain breast tumors.

They then studied them in vitro or by implanting them in mice.

Their conclusions are in several stages.

First, the researchers find that the nucleus of compressed cells tends to rupture and that this phenomenon damages the DNA located inside.

They find that this degradation results in accelerated aging of healthy cells, but that it has other effects in tumor cells, with the potential consequence of encouraging their spread.

The authors then go further by looking for the causes of this DNA degradation.

They note that it can be interrupted by blocking the action of an enzyme, called TREX1.

What to conclude?

These results confirm that breast cancer "is probably accompanied in humans by DNA damage" linked to cell compression, the authors explain.

However, should we draw a cause and effect link from this and, in particular, conclude that the action of TREX1 aggravates certain breast cancers?

The researchers advance the hypothesis, but remain cautious.

"Our experiments neither prove that TREX1 is the main factor of DNA deterioration in this context, nor that DNA deterioration plays a role in the progression of the disease in humans," they warn.

In favor of these hypotheses, however, they point out that a correlation has been observed between a high level of TREX1 and a lower chance of surviving breast cancer.

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