What causes rupture of the eardrum?

What are the main hearing problems?

And what are its symptoms?

And how to prevent it?

We start with ear rupture, as the German Association of Otolaryngologists said that rupturing the eardrum has several causes, most notably cleaning the ear with a sharp or pointed object, and sudden changes in pressure, as is the case during diving or traveling by plane.

Other causes of eardrum rupture include bruising or burns, or exposure to severe noise, such as in explosions such as an airbag being released, or a severe blow to the ear.

The association explained that the symptoms of a ruptured eardrum are severe pain in the ear, deterioration of the sense of hearing, blood in the ear, in addition to ringing in the ears, feeling dizzy, nausea, headache and vomiting.

A ruptured eardrum should be treated promptly to avoid serious consequences, such as deafness.

A ruptured eardrum usually heals within a few weeks without treatment, but sometimes a correction or surgical repair is required to heal.

What are the main hearing problems?

Hearing problems are divided in terms of origin into 3 sections, some of which are related to conduction, and some are related to sensory hearing, and some of them combine and are called mixed hearing loss.

Hearing loss greatly affects a person's life, especially in the early stages of life, because the sense of hearing has a large and essential role in the development of speech.

And Taha Hussein would not have given us his abundant literature if he had been deaf - not blind - since childhood.

Here are the sections of hearing problems:

Conduction-related hearing problems

They are the hearing difficulties arising from the presence of problems in the parts that transmit sound from the ear, which are the outer ear: the pinna, the auditory canal, and the tympanic membrane, and the middle ear: the three bones, which are the stirrup, the hammer and the anvil. Usually, this type of hearing difficulty can be dealt with through surgery or the use of hearing aids. Help is like a stethoscope.

Among its reasons are:

  • Inflammation of the middle ear.

  • Otitis externa (swimmer's ear).

  • ruptured eardrum;

  • Wax collection in the ear.

  • The presence of fluid in the middle ear.

  • Allergy.

  • The presence of a foreign object, such as a small piece of plastic that a child pushed in his ear.

  • The presence of congenital problems in the anatomy of the ear.

Sensory hearing problems

Hearing difficulties that occur as a result of problems in the inner ear: the cochlea, the nerve or the nerve pathway that transmits auditory messages to the brain.

Often, this type of hearing problem cannot be corrected with surgery or hearing aids.

It is the most common type of hearing problem that causes permanent hearing loss.

Among the causes of this type of hearing loss are:

  • Some diseases, such as meningitis.

  • As you age, changes occur in the inner ear or nerves.

  • Exposure to loud sounds and noise.

  • Hearing loss that runs in certain families, that is, it is hereditary.

  • Taking some medications.

  • Having a head injury.

  • The presence of congenital or anatomical problems in the inner ear.

Mixed hearing loss

Hearing loss is caused by problems in the conduction system: the outer and middle ear, and the sensory system: the inner ear and the auditory nerve.

Hearing problems symptoms

  • Difficulty understanding words, especially if the person is in a place with other sounds, such as other people talking or street noise.

  • The need to raise the volume of the TV or recorder to hear what is being said.

  • The person feels that the sounds he hears are faint or low.

  • Withdrawing from the conversation, as the affected person is unable to hear what is being said.

  • Ask the speaker to repeat the speech or raise the volume.


  • Stay away from loud noises, such as loud music or motorbikes.

  • Protect your ears Whether in the workplace or outside, wear earplugs to prevent loud noises from harming your hearing.

  • If you suspect that you are suffering from hearing loss, or you work in a high-noisy environment, have a routine hearing examination to detect and deal with any early problems.