German health authorities have indicated a worrying increase in cases of coronavirus among recipients of the American "Johnson & Johnson" vaccine, and a company spokeswoman says that there is no vaccine that provides complete protection, and that its vaccine provides solid protection.

Health experts and authorities confirmed that an increasing number of those who received the "Johnson & Johnson" vaccine against the Corona virus have contracted the disease.

According to the weekly report of the German Robert Koch Institute, 6106 people have so far been infected with the Corona virus, despite receiving the full program of the American vaccine, according to a report published in “Deutsche Welle”.

According to the institute, in Germany, about 3 million people received the “Johnson & Johnson” vaccine, which means that for every million who received the vaccine, 2,000 cases of the virus occurred.

For comparison, 640 HIV infections occurred for every million Pfizer-Biontech vaccinations.

Johnson & Johnson is the only single-dose vaccine approved by the European Medicines Authority.

Karsten Watzl, Secretary-General of the German Society for Immunology, says that this vaccine takes longer than other mRNA vaccines to build antibodies to the virus in the body.

And the US Food and Drug Agency had revealed that it had detected symptoms of a rare neurological disease after about 42 days in some people who received the “Johnson & Johnson” vaccine, but at the same time it stressed that the benefits of the vaccine still outweigh its potential risks.

Watzl adds, “Since the level of antibodies in the body is much lower than the level of other vaccines, it seems that the protection it provides (Johnson & Johnson vaccine) against infection with the Corona virus is worse,” but he added that the vaccine protects against serious symptoms of infection with the virus.

For its part, a spokeswoman for Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Industries said that there is still no vaccine that provides complete protection from infection, and indicated that “our vaccine against Covid-19, which is licensed as a single dose, has been shown to reduce the risk of infection and reduce the severity of the infection.” Symptoms".

The spokeswoman confirmed that the data that was monitored over a period of 8 months so far and collected by the company;

It indicates that the vaccine provides durable and long-term protection from the Corona virus, and from the “delta” mutant and other variants of the virus.