Which is better: fresh, canned or frozen fish?

What are the main benefits of fish?

How do you choose a good fish to buy?

The answers and more are in this comprehensive report.

We start with the benefits of fish. The nutrition guidelines for the State of Qatar say that seafood and fish are rich in protein, and some of them contain high levels of healthy fats (omega-3 fatty acids).

Eating fish regularly protects against cardiovascular diseases and strokes, as well as reduces the risk of dementia, and may also reduce the risk of atrophy in the visual center of the retina that accompanies age.

Fatty fish contain the highest percentage of omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon, oysters and some types of canned tuna.

 Although eating fish is very healthy, some large fish such as king mackerel and lighter (Grouper) may contain toxic substances such as mercury, and tuna and some farm fish may contain harmful and toxic chemicals such as dioxins.

In order to reduce exposure to high levels of these substances, it is advisable to choose a variety of fish rather than focusing on one type of them. Studies and research have found the fact that the benefits of fish outweigh its harms and risks.

The researchers found that eating fish reduces the risk of heart attack by an average of 8%, while it has no effect on reducing the incidence of strokes, according to Deutsche Welle's report on the German website "In Fraken".

Previous studies also indicated health benefits in terms of its richness in omega-3. Fish oil, which is rich in this element, can reduce the risks of asthma for the fetus during pregnancy, and it also reduces inflammation without harming the immune system.

Is there a difference between frozen fish and fresh fish?

There are no differences between frozen fish and fresh fish, as the Deutsche Welle website quoted the German “T Online” website, because the fish is frozen as soon as it is caught, and thus preserves the nutrients and its benefits.

What you should pay attention to here is that the frozen fish box is intact and has not been torn or damaged.

Is there a difference between canned and fresh fish?

The report says that even canned fish (not frozen), such as sardines and tuna, is considered healthy, and canned fish rich in fats are an important source of omega-3 acids, and these acids are not affected by the canning process.

But you should pay attention to the amount of calories on the box, for those who want to lose weight.

Because fish canned in oil or "sauce" contains more calories than fresh fish.

Therefore, be careful that the sauce does not contain sugar.

You can also buy canned fish without oil.

Fish of all kinds: fresh, frozen and canned, provides our body with the necessary proteins and omega-3 fats.

One of the well-known benefits of fish, as mentioned by the German "Stern" website, is that 100 grams of fish contain 20 grams of protein that the body needs to build muscle.

Here, we mention that nutrition experts advise to get 0.8 grams per day per kilogram of human body weight, meaning that a person weighing 75 kilograms needs 60 grams per day of protein, and this is provided by 300 grams of fish.

Fish protein is easy to digest and gives a feeling of satiety.

How do we know fresh fish?

There are 3 things that tell us, namely the eyes, the skin, and the gills (the respiratory organ of fish).

Eyes should be clear, transparent and glowing.

But if it is loose and ruddy, then the fish is old.

And the skin should be shiny.

The gills should be bright red.

Freshly caught fish should still have a shiny, shiny scale, and it looks like a thin layer of fat is on the scales.

If the ends of the fish are cut, make sure that the tips are not brown or look dry, this means that they are not fresh.

It is also necessary to check the eyes of the fish, if they appear to be protruding and bulging out.

The fish is fresh.

If the eyes look shriveled or have no clear luster, this indicates that the hunt was done a few days ago.

Fresh fish does not smell fishy, ​​but rather smells like iodine.

If the fish comes out of the sea, it smells of sea water.

If you smell any smell of fish other than the smell of sea and iodine, this indicates its foot.

It is easy to tell if the fish is fresh or not also by touching and pressing on it.

Press firmly against the skin with your finger. If the fish is fresh, the meat should immediately fall back into place as soon as you lift your finger.

Fresh fish feel like sticky body.

It is necessary to check the presence of bruises or blows on the body of the fish, this indicates that it is not fresh.

If you want to store excess fish in the refrigerator, it must be cleaned first.

And pay attention to its fatness.

High-fat fish can only be frozen for a few weeks, while low-fat fish can be stored for up to 8 months.

Tips when preparing fish according to the nutrition guidelines for the State of Qatar:

  • Do grill fish instead of frying it.

  • Buy fresh or frozen fish that is not fried or coated with wheat flour, breadcrumbs, breadcrumbs, or an egg-flour mixture.

  • In the case of eating out of the house, be sure to choose fish marinated with herbs and lemon instead of adding a creamy sauce.

  • Wrap fish fillets with vegetables and herbs in wax paper and grill in the oven.

  • Enjoy different types of seafood while avoiding fried ones.

  • Choose canned fish preserved in water rather than in oil, and eat salmon or light meat tuna instead of albacore tuna to reduce exposure to mercury.