How to "break" the transportation problem?

Can after-school services be "optional"?

Beijing Municipal Education Commission responded

  In the new semester, Beijing has continuously issued a series of "double reduction" policies, which have been implemented in all primary and secondary schools in the city.

Recently, Li Yi, deputy secretary of the Beijing Municipal Education Commission and spokesperson of the Municipal Education Commission, responded to recent hot issues related to "double reduction" that parents and the society are concerned about.

Class time adjustment, the opening hours of primary and secondary schools will remain the same

  Many parents have reported the problem of school hours in primary and secondary schools in the new semester. At present, it is required that elementary schools be no earlier than 8:20 and middle schools no earlier than 8:00. Some parents may not have time after sending their children to work, so I want to know if there is any school in this area. Some flexible arrangements, if parents want to send their children to school earlier?

  In this regard, Li Yi said that as a school, it should do its best to provide support for the growth of children, including solving the practical difficulties of families sending children.

Therefore, while strictly implementing the class time required by the Ministry of Education, each school will open its doors at the usual time to provide convenience for parents to send their children.

If you really need to send your child to school before the school opens, you must communicate with the school and the head teacher in a timely manner to make a handover instead of sending the child directly to the school door.

If the head teacher cannot pick up the students in time, he should also entrust other teachers or guards of the school to do the work of entering the school to ensure the safety of the students.

  In accordance with the overall requirements of the Ministry of Education, Beijing has adjusted the school time appropriately. In fact, the ultimate goal is to ensure the children's sleep and try to keep the children from being too rushed in the morning.

However, some parents still have to send their children to school a little earlier, otherwise they will not be able to take care of the time of sending their children to work.

  In spite of the preliminary system design and overall arrangement, new problems will definitely be discovered during the operation process, especially for our super large city like Beijing, which has different types of families, so some parents do encounter some difficulties. .

Therefore, in the process of this reform measure, multiple parties need to work together.

As for the school, it is necessary to open the door at the original time point, and at the same time arrange the period from the time the child is sent to the formal class, and arrange tasks such as outdoor sports or indoor reading for the child.

For parents, adjust work hours as much as possible so that their children wake up later and sleep longer.

In terms of society, it is hoped that employers can understand and care for employees who need to pick up and drop off children, and show flexibility in management measures, so that they can have more time to work in the morning.

Can’t “one size fits all” requiring every student to participate in after-school services every day

  At present, primary and secondary schools provide at least 2 hours of after-school services every day. For students and parents, must they participate in after-school services until 5:30?

Do I have to participate every day five days a week?

For the diverse and personalized needs of students and parents in after-school services, how can the school make overall arrangements, and how should parents communicate with the school?

  Li Yi said that we require schools to provide after-school services covering Monday to Friday and from 3:30 to 5:30 in the afternoon, but parents can make targeted choices based on their children’s physiological characteristics, age characteristics and family conditions. It is not a “one size fits all” requirement that every student must attend until 5:30 or participate in after-school services every day.

  In response to the diverse needs of children of different ages, the school also strives to diversify the supply of after-school service activities.

For example, the school will provide rich and personalized after-school services including subject homework guidance, physical education, and comprehensive quality every day.

Parents can choose to participate voluntarily according to their children's age characteristics and actual needs. It is not mandatory to participate.

  Of course, for students of different age groups and school levels, the school has different emphasis on arranging after-school services.

Two weeks after the start of school, many schools conducted adequate home-school communication and even questionnaire surveys, and found that the parents of junior high school students have very urgent requirements for subject counseling, prompting the school to break the original class division and provide classified counseling. It can help some students to complete the homework of the day, and can also provide improved supplies for students who have spare time in their studies.

  At present, we see that many schools have made great efforts to introduce high-quality curriculum resources from other schools, including cadre and teacher resources, especially through the exchange and rotation of cadres and teachers within the school district and within the group to improve the quality and attractiveness of after-school services.

For example, Miyun District and Dongcheng District, which are pilots for cadre-teacher exchange and rotation, allow children to see more teachers and enjoy more comprehensive, subject, and sports curriculum services.

  At the same time, it is very important for parents to maintain communication with the school.

On the one hand, parents should fully communicate with the school's subject teachers and head teachers according to the characteristics of their children, and first try to solve the needs of subject guidance in the school.

On the other hand, I hope that parents will use the opportunity to communicate with the teacher to carefully diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of their children.

The teacher can provide suggestions on what needs to be "strengthened", such as what kind of books to buy for the child, what kind of activities to participate in, or what clubs the school has suitable for children; for places that need to "make up for shortcomings", the teacher can recommend In which days the school will have corresponding after-school services to allow children to participate on time.

In this analysis process, schools are more aware of what kind of quality and attractive after-school services they should provide, and parents can also be more aware of how their children learn most effectively and which activities are most beneficial to participate in.

Teacher exchange rotation has shown gratifying results

  The teachers who participated in the exchange rotation in the new semester have been working in their respective positions for two weeks. How are these teachers adapting to the new positions, and have they brought any obvious changes to the school?

  Regarding this issue, Li Yi said that in the process of Beijing's promotion of "double reduction" work, cadres and teachers have "large area, large proportion, small displacement" such exchanges and rotations within the school district and within the group, from the very beginning It has received much attention.

  In fact, in this round of exchanges and rotation, we pay more attention to the later role and benefits.

Although the school has just started two weeks ago, we have seen in the process of tracking that the quality of the activities of the teaching and research group and the quality of homework research have shown gratifying results for the rotating teachers.

For example, in the regular meetings of the grade group and the activities of the teaching and research group, teachers actively adjust the teaching structure and inject new classroom teaching elements and content.

Another example is the homework design plan brought by the teacher, which uses different homework materials and homework carriers, so that many children obviously feel that the amount of homework is less, and most of them can be completed in school.

  At the same time, we ask the teachers who exchange and rotate their posts to focus on how to get through the in-class teaching and the three-thirty after-class tutoring so as to integrate them organically.

The total amount of homework in class is less, but the degree of difficulty and ability requirements may be improved. In the process of using after-class service time to guide students to complete the homework, the teacher will inevitably play an important role; some changes are reflected in the quality With regard to the flow of the attributes of educational services, these changes are abstract and subtle, which will be more concretely felt by students as the teaching continues to deepen.

Require students to "reducing quantity and improving quality" of homework

  At the beginning of the new semester, many elementary and middle school students’ homework is obviously “less”, but some parents are a little “paniced”. Can it really do without homework? How to check and grasp the children’s learning situation?

How can the quality and efficiency of the classroom be tested?

Some parents have even begun to learn about one-on-one tutoring through various channels. What do you think of this phenomenon?

  Li Yi said that in the process of "double reduction", the requirement for operations is to "reduce quantity and improve quality": subtract those mechanical, repetitive, and ineffective "difficult and strange" operations, improve the overall quality of the operation, and let the remaining The homework has the functions of diagnosis and academic analysis to consolidate the knowledge learned that day.

For teachers, new homework materials and carriers can be selected, and the child's learning state can be "judged" through the homework link, and students' thinking process and learning process can be seen from the homework.

  To improve the quality of homework, it is necessary to improve the overall quality of teaching and research in the school.

In the process of promoting cadre-teacher exchange and rotation, we paid special attention to transferring some key and special-grade teachers to the posts of the teaching and research group. The purpose is to use the experience of these teachers to study high-quality, small and precise assignments.

At present, many teachers have brought new classroom teaching design and homework design schemes to the new school. Through exchanges and discussions with the teaching and research group, the effect of after-school service subject homework guidance has been further improved.

  "Reducing the quantity and improving the quality" of student homework is also inseparable from the good interaction between home and school.

As a parent, you can fully communicate with the subject teacher to grasp the child’s learning situation, understand the structure and completion time of each subject’s homework, and for the child’s weaknesses, ask the teacher to give professional advice, consider whether it is necessary to adjust the type of homework, strengthen homework guidance, Additional basic tasks and so on.

  Of course, we are also concerned that parents may still be anxious during this process, and they want to find a teacher for their children alone or use mid-week online classes.

In this regard, we suggest that parents must be cautious and give priority to ensuring their children’s learning status at school and the length of sleep at night.

If parents really want to adopt such measures, it is also recommended to communicate with the teacher first and listen to the teacher's opinions.

We are opposed to "one size fits all" or simply giving time to a certain training carrier. This is actually not efficient, and children may not be able to get good benefits.

  Therefore, the communication between teachers and parents based on the children's own characteristics is extremely important, and this is also the most important advice we provide to parents.

It is recommended that parents construct the supply structure of family education consciously

  Now many children do not attend training classes at night and on weekends. There are still photos of several children in the community playing games together downstairs. Netizens feel a little bit of childhood.

As for how the family should do a good job of high-quality company, Li Yi gives some suggestions to parents.

  In the past, we often saw distressing scenes: on weekends, parents rushed to pick up their children from one cram school to another, in order to rush the family in the car or eat fast food on the side of the road; and after the new semester started, Everyone finally saw some welcome changes.

In fact, the important goal of "double reduction" is to return the time for weekends, winter and summer vacations to the children, and to break the phenomenon of "all people attending cram schools" in the past.

  We always want to emphasize one point: as a child grows up, school, society, and family are all areas where he conducts education consumption. Although the way of consumption is different, they can all provide important education supplies.

Among them, there are some valuable elements of education that the school cannot give, and children need to learn through rich social practice. If the child spends all his time outside school in cram school and loses the opportunity to learn true skills, it will undoubtedly be disadvantageous. Influence.

  Therefore, we recommend that parents reasonably plan weekends, winter and summer vacations, and consciously construct the supply structure of family education, such as cultivating a healthy life concept, exercising and reading with children on weekends, and designing travel routes during vacations, etc., so that children can learn from the family and the society. We have gained some benefits in the process, forming an organic cooperation with school education.