Zhejiang Zhoushan is located on the southeast coast of China, and its unique geographical location makes it a high-risk area prone to typhoon disasters.

As an important anti-Taiwan force in this area, the Zhoushan Detachment of the Zhejiang Armed Police Corps has maintained excellent military qualities and strong military skills for many years.

From "Lichma" and "fireworks" to today's typhoon "Santo", this team has always been fighting on the front line of rescue, providing a solid guarantee for the safety of people's lives and property.

Recently, the Zhoushan Detachment of the Armed Police carried out another round of military exercises around typhoon rescue.

The assault boats, delivery vehicles, uniform uniforms, and intense and efficient personnel assembly all show the true qualities of the people's army as a soldier who defends the home and the country.

(Zang Chengeng and Zhang Juhai)

Editor in charge: [Li Ji]