On Saturday 25 September, the network Sustainable Future in Arvika hopes that it will be the bicycles that dominate the raggar round in Arvika when they carry out their demonstration at lunchtime.

Not against the rag

But they emphasize that it is not a manifestation against the rag walking in the city during the weekends.

- No, we are not angry and bitter activists.

We are not against things but for.

And now we want to show the benefits of the bicycle as a means of transport, says one of the activists in the network when we meet them in the city park in Arvika.

Meeting with politicians

After the event, the network will hold a meeting with local politicians to discuss what can and should be done to make it easier to park the car and choose the bike in Arvika in the future.

In the video above, the activists tell more about what they want to achieve with their work in the network.