Many people are accustomed to eating fruits after lunch or in the evening before bed. Is this the right time?

What is the best time to eat fruit in the day?

And which diet is better: reduce sugars or fats?

The answers are all in this report.

Fruit is an essential part of a healthy diet, but one should take into account some things to take full advantage of it;

It contains natural fruit sugar and its quantity is moderate, but it should not be excessively consumed, according to what was published by the Deutsche Welle website.

Some health experts believe that the most appropriate time to eat fruits is in the morning and on an empty stomach, that is, at breakfast.

When you eat fruit on an empty stomach, the digestive system quickly breaks down the sugar in it, and therefore you can make better use of the nutrients in the fruit, such as fiber and vitamin C, and fruits contain antioxidants that can reduce inflammation in the body. Eating fruits on an empty stomach helps you get the most out of them.

Eating fruits with other foods slows down digestion, due to the digestive enzymes being busy with other functions, which may lead to indigestion, flatulence and digestive problems in the long run.

Eating fruits with breakfast may be unusual for some, and therefore nutrition experts advise to gradually get used to eating them with breakfast, such as eating fruit juice.

One of the suggested ideas for fruits at breakfast is to eat cranberry salad, as berries are one of the fruits that contain high amounts of antioxidants, which makes it appropriate for breakfast, in addition to its very low calories;

Therefore, it is recommended to mix the berries with a few strawberries, and add a little almond or yogurt.

What is the best diet?

In order to lose weight, some try to follow a low-carb diet, while others rely on reducing the amount of fat in food;

Which diet is the best?

Scientists confirm that the production of sugars inversely affects the burning of fats in the body, according to what was published by the Deutsche Welle website, quoting the German “Aponnet” website.

When the percentage of sugars increases, the body releases the hormone insulin, which regulates blood sugar, but also reduces fat burning.

In a long-term comparison of the results of a diet based on sugar loss or fat loss;

It turns out that there are two theories about this: the first is that calories remain exactly the same after the two different diets.

The second theory asserts that some calories from sugars increase obesity, and that a person loses a little weight after the diet as it reduces the production of these sugars, according to the German website.

According to nutrition experts, a diet that relies on reducing sugar helps to get fitter, and lowers the percentage of fat in the body, especially harmful ones that affect the heart and blood movement when following a diet that reduces the intake of foods saturated with fat.

These are the differences between the two patterns, and to find out which type suits you according to your health status, weight and cholesterol level;

You should consult a doctor.