The People's Power is holding a 'national interview' for the candidates for the presidential election for the second day.

There are three interviewers including Jin Joong-kwon, former professor of Dongyang University, and today (10th), 6 people including Hwang Gyo-an, Yoon Seok-yeol, Park Jin Ahn Sang-su, Ha Tae-kyung and Won Hee-ryong (by lottery) will be interviewed.

Interviews are held for 22 minutes per candidate.

The 'National Signal Interview' held at a studio in Geumcheon-gu, Seoul is broadcast live on our YouTube channel, Ornsori TV, and you can ask questions in real-time comments.

Interviewers are expected to continue 'verification' on the candidates' policy promises and past histories, following the previous day.

This public interview ends today.

(Photo = Yonhap News)