Fukuoka City's NGO Peshawar-kai, which has been providing humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan for many years, said that the agricultural activities that had been suspended due to the seizure of power by the Taliban were "confirmed as local safety." And so on, it was revealed that it was restarted.

The Peshawar-kai has continued its three activities: medical care, agriculture, and irrigation canal construction even after Tetsu Nakamura, a doctor who was the local representative in Afghanistan, was shot dead.

All activities have been suspended since the Taliban seized power on the 15th of last month, but Chairman Yu Murakami said at a press conference on the 9th that "local safety was confirmed" on the 2nd of this month. He revealed that he has resumed some agricultural activities such as harvesting lemons.

Medical activities had already resumed on the 21st of last month, and he expressed his intention to resume construction of the remaining irrigation canals as soon as possible while assessing the situation.

However, he said that he could not withdraw a large amount of cash from the bank locally, so he said, "I can't pay the salary of the staff, the oil cost of the car, and the expense of renting heavy equipment." It is said that it is an issue for resumption.

Chairman Murakami said, "The drought is serious in the area and we have to reach out. We will continue our activities with the highest priority on connecting lives."