G7 = Finance ministers' meeting of seven major countries will be held online to further unite towards the final agreement next month, which is the goal of creating new international taxation rules to stop the competition for corporate tax cuts. I confirmed that I would strengthen.

The G7 Finance Ministers' Meeting was held online on the night of the 9th, and was attended by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Aso from Japan.

In this, we exchanged opinions on the creation of new rules for international taxation to stop the competition for corporate tax reduction, sorted out the issues to be solved, and further toward the final agreement next month, which is the target. I confirmed that I would strengthen the unity.

Regarding the new international taxation rules, 134 countries and regions of the group centered on the member countries of the OECD = Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development have generally agreed that the minimum tax rate should be 15% or more. ..

However, since six countries such as Ireland, which has attracted companies at low tax rates, have not joined the general agreement, the G7 plans to actively work on these countries and aim to realize the final agreement.

After the meeting, Minister Aso told reporters, "I can't have a prejudice until October because the last minute is important, but the probability that I can go in the current direction is higher than before." He acknowledged that there was a response towards the agreement.