According to the indictment from Kalmar District Court, three of the men have.

32 to 37 years old, had ten firearms packed in a garage without being entitled to it.

Each pistol has been stored ready to fire along with a magazine and five to six sharp cartridges.

According to the indictment, the men have since handed over two of the weapons to the fourth man.

The crime is considered serious because they were intended to be used in crime and also illegal.

Had handed over two pistols

The fourth and youngest person, 22 years old, is charged with a felony for possession of two pistols with associated magazines and five to six sharp cartridges.

The pistols, which were in a vehicle in a public place, had been sold by the co-defendants according to the indictment.

Three of the men are also charged with a felony drug offense for possessing and packing drugs.

Among other things, they had over 23,000 tablets of tapentadol, according to the indictment, the purpose was to resell it.

The men deny the crime.