Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2021 - 202219h31, September 07, 2021

Historically Vôtre brings together 3 ladies who resisted and proved that they existed: Solitude, as it was called, an unknown figure of the resistance of black slaves in Guadeloupe who fought to continue to exist, Mary Reynolds, a surrealist artist to life which was just as important: the American came to live in France, and chose to enter the Resistance and leave the country during the Second World War to, too, continue to live ... who resists, and "proves that you exist": singer France Gall.



Frédéric Régent

, historian, specialist in the history of slavery.

Author of “The masters of Guadeloupe: owners of slaves.

1635 - 1648 ”(Tallandier)


Christine Oddo

, writer.

Author of “Mary Reynolds, Surrealist Artist and Lover of Marcel Duchamp” (Tallandier)