Eating ice cream, cakes and foods rich in sugar during the summer holidays leads to gaining excess weight, and this issue affects both mental and physical health.

How do you lose what you gained in the summer?

How do you reduce the "white poison" in food?

The French newspaper, Le Journal des femmes, said that getting enough sleep ensures maintaining a fit body and not gaining excess weight, in contrast to the lack of sleep associated with being overweight;

So you should go to sleep earlier than usual.

Also, doing the "minimum" of physical activity, ie devoting 30 minutes of walking per day, is one of the ways to ensure that you do not gain extra weight, and it is advisable to use the remainder of the summer vacation to engage in activities such as cycling, swimming or taking a picnic.

It is advised to allocate enough time to chew food well and not to swallow it quickly;

Adhering to this rule ensures that you avoid gaining excess weight.

How to restore balance to your diet after the holiday?

Limit the consumption of fatty sauces, cheese, cold meats and sweets and focus instead on consuming "high nutritional" foods.


For breakfast, skip the processed breakfast cereals, jam, and large glasses of bottled orange juice. Instead, eat fresh whole fruits such as bananas, nuts, and grains such as walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, oats, spelled or quinoa, with regular dairy products and sugar-free drinks such as tea or coffee.


We can start our lunch with avocado with herbs and lemon, because it helps to feel full and is rich in good fatty acids.

This meal should contain fish or meat, poultry, eggs with vegetables as desired, and a portion of legumes or grains such as lentils, peas, basmati rice or whole-grain pasta.


At dinner, it is necessary to avoid animal proteins that do not help much sleep, and replace quinoa with dairy products, natural fruits or vegetables.

In regards to sweetening, you can eat dried fruits and some cubes of chocolate, which will not cause you to gain weight but will boost your mood and provide your body with anti-stress magnesium and anti-oxidants that slow down aging.


We usually avoid special invitations at the weekend if we know in advance that we will not be able to limit ourselves, and that the temptations will be too strong.

It is enough to eat seasonal fruits of our choice, such as apples, pears or grapes, which are useful for the digestive system and help purify the body of toxins. Fish or seafood should be eaten without mayonnaise or butter, and forget bread and sweets.

For many fitness trainers, a good rule of thumb is to "commit", meaning that 80% of the time you should be serious about dieting, and enjoy what you crave for the remaining 20%, and this will not necessarily cause a diet imbalance.

How do we reduce sugar (white poison) in our food?

Sugar creeps into our daily meals constantly, without us noticing;

Sugar is present in foods and drinks around us, and it is known that excessive consumption of sugar leads to obesity, rumen, tooth decay and other diseases.

A diet high in sugar can lead to a number of health risks, including heart disease, fatty liver disease and type 2 diabetes.

According to a report by Deutsche Welle on the German website Fit4Fun.

In order to reduce our sugar consumption, we offer you these tips:

1- Avoid sweetened juices

Lemon juice, sugary coffee drinks, or energy drinks can contain no more than 2 teaspoons of added sugar.

Instead, use natural water, and add pieces of fruit to it.

You will quench your thirst, and you will get a healthy refreshing taste, without the amounts of sugar that will enter the body.

2- Control of sweets and chocolates

Sometimes it can be hard to resist eating a chocolate bar, or a snack between big meals.

It is necessary to be careful here;

These small pieces that we eat daily without paying attention to them constitute about 18% of our total daily sugar consumption.

It is best to eat an apple, or some fruits between meals, and to stay away from sweets completely.

One reason to stay away from snacks is the negative effects that snacks can have on mood, metabolism, and insulin levels in the body.

And if you can't give up chocolate at all, just eat dark chocolate.

3- Shop wisely

Never shop when you are hungry, and carefully read the ingredients of what you are shopping, sugar can be present in large quantities on your shopping list.