<Anchor> The

Democratic Party enters the regional circuit primaries to select the presidential candidates. Ahead of the first report card to be released today (the 4th) in Daejeon, two candidates Lee Jae-myung and Lee Nak-yeon continued the 'free argument' workshop.

Correspondent Kang Cheong-wan.

<Reporter> The

Daejeon and Chungnam region touring contests for the election of the Democratic Party presidential candidates will be held at the Daejeon Convention Center at 3:30 pm today.

Following the announcement of the candidacy of the candidates for the presidential primary, on-site voting is held, and the results are combined with the online voting results and the result of the ballot count is announced on the same day.

Ahead of the first report card, candidate Lee Jae-myung predicted a majority of the votes, and candidates Lee Nak-yeon and Jeong Se-kyun would write a 'reversal drama'.

The 'second war of fame' surrounding the allegations of free pleading for candidate Lee Jae-myung continued.

Candidate Lee Jae-myung asked about the suspicion of paying attorneys' fees raised by Candidate Nak-yeon Lee, saying that he did not know why he was repeating black propaganda.

[Lee Jae-myung / Democratic Party Presidential Election Candidate: These are all stories you will know if you trace your account later... (Do you think it's a negative offensive?) It's not a negative, it's like a black propaganda.]

Seol-hoon Lee Nak-yeon, the camp's campaign committee chairperson, repeatedly pressured the disclosure and explanation of the fee details, saying that a high-risk candidate cannot guarantee victory in the final.

[Seol-hoon / Lee Nak-yeon, presidential candidate camp election campaign committee chairperson: If this part is not explained quickly, there is a possibility that it will become a risk for the Democratic Party. Candidate Jae-myung Lee's risk should never become a risk for the Democratic Party.]

As the Daejeon Myung-nak sucked up the Democratic primary issues, Candidate Jeong Sye-kyun criticized the other candidates for being harmed in the negative fight between the two candidates, Lee Jae-myung and Lee Nak-yeon.