Words affect humans in an unimaginable way, and the size of the impact increases when it comes to children, and there are phrases that help more than others to motivate the child and support his mental development and psychological stability.

In a report published by the American "AwarenessAct" website, writer Harley Manson says that positive phrases are very important for children during the early stages of physical and mental development, as actions are not enough for the child to feel that we love him and appreciate his presence among us.

Here are 9 phrases that a child should hear from his parents constantly in order to feel love, warmth and support.

I love you

Daniel Wong, a writer for the Huffington Post, explains that frequent expression of love is a very important thing that many overlook and do not appreciate its true value to a child.

"You may feel embarrassed telling your child that you love him, especially if it's not part of the family and community culture, but I encourage you to say it at least once a month," says Wong.

Many children grow up thinking that their parents do not love them, and these negative feelings can be dispelled with just two words: "I love you."

I'll be right here by your side

Children may have a lot of obsessions and fears, so they constantly need support, especially in difficult situations and new experiences.

It is important to tell your child that you are always there.

It's okay to feel frustrated sometimes

Underestimating a child's feelings may lead to psychological disorders later on, such as anxiety and depression.

Sometimes adults want to do anything to calm the child when he is going through a tantrum or sadness, but the right thing to do is to explain to him that these feelings are normal, and help him to overcome them in a healthy way.

It is important to tell your child that you are always there (Getty Images)

I am sorry

Do not hesitate to admit your mistake and apologize in front of your child if you do something that hurts his feelings, and if you yell at the child or ignore a legitimate request without justification, it is important to take responsibility and tell him: "I'm sorry";

This will make him learn to take responsibility for his mistakes.

I believe in your abilities

When your child tells you about a dream, aspiration, or a plan for the future, encourage him to reach his goal and tell him that you believe in his abilities;

This confidence is reflected in the child's psyche positively and facilitates him to achieve his goals in a later stage of life.

I am listening to you

The child wants others to listen to him when he expresses what is on his mind, and the parents should be the first to encourage him to do so.

If your child tells you something important to him, make sure he knows that you care and that you are listening.

Can you show me how you did that?

This simple statement not only makes the child feel that you are interested in what he is doing, but that you find what he has done admirable.

If your child tries to show off a new skill he learned in school, encourage him and ask him how he did it.

I'm so proud of you

Motivational phrases make a big impression on children, and it doesn't take much effort to tell your child that you are proud of them whenever the opportunity arises.

Do not hesitate to admit your mistake and apologize in front of your child if you have done something that hurt his feelings (Shutterstock)

how was your day?

Even if you spend the whole day with your child, this phrase has a magical effect;

This question makes the child talk to you automatically about his feelings, thoughts and experiences, and this brings him great psychological benefit.