The autumn crops gave just below average and the spring crops did not give even half as normal.

It is this year's grain harvest at Grimstad farm.

- May and June were very rainy while July was very hot and dry, says Jonas Eriksson at Grimstad farm, next to Roxen near Norsholm.

He believes that the weather nowadays is extreme in all directions, both when it comes to dry and rainy and hot.

- As a farmer, I have probably never experienced any ideal weather at any time, says Jonas Eriksson with a laugh, but we see more persistent droughts and persistent rainy seasons.

The farm uses most of its grain for its own animal husbandry.

- The grain matured prematurely this year, as it often has in recent years, ie the kernels become smaller and are finished earlier and earlier.

Listen to Emil and Jonas Eriksson in the video above.