Elisabeth Assayag & Emmanuel Duteil SEASON 2021 - 202214h16, September 01, 2021

In “La France bouge”, Elisabeth Assayag and Emmanuel Duteil tour France with positive and innovative initiatives.

Work, education, health… they work in the four corners of the country to move the lines and break the codes: who are these citizens, these companies, these communities which are involved and invent the world of tomorrow?

Inspiring portraits and testimonials.




, CEO of Axéo services

Adrien Laprévote

, co-founder Allo Louis 

Adrien Gauthier

, Head of Customer Communication and Promotion of Urssaf Caisse Nationale service offers

Julie Six

, co-founder of my Zoli Helmet, a customizable bicycle helmet.

Alyssa Emmungil

, co-founder of HappyPal