Normally Lille is a big party every first weekend in September.

The largest garage sale in Europe, the Braderie de Lille attracts nearly two million people to the capital of Flanders.

But for two years and the arrival of Covid-19 in our lives, the event has no longer taken place.

Two cancellations in two years is unheard of for the Braderie since World War II.

Already canceled in 2016 due to terrorist risk, the event has not taken place three times in the past six years.

What was the norm in the world before has therefore become exceptional.

While waiting for a return to normal expected for 2022, the Braderie is disappearing from Lille life.

Praised for its unique atmosphere, the event is also criticized for its numerous excesses.

What to wonder if it really misses Lille.

Lille, inhabitants of the metropolis or residents of Hauts-de-France, have you really missed the Braderie de Lille for two years?

If so, what do you regret the most?

Conversely, why don't you have nostalgia when you think back to the huge garage sale?

Do you hope for its return or are you living very well without it?

You can testify by filling out the form below.

Your testimonials will be used in writing an article.

thanks in advance

  • Covid 19

  • Participatory

  • Flea market

  • Lille

  • Clearance sale