“As for the Far East, we proceed from the fact that people need to be provided with housing and work,” Trutnev quotes kp.ru.

According to him, “it makes sense to build a new city when new economic capacities appear”.

“We have examples.

The city of Tsiolkovsky is being built for the needs of the Vostochny cosmodrome ... As for the overall situation with urban planning, it is important to put the existing cities in order, "he added.

On August 5, Sergei Shoigu, at a meeting with the scientific community of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, advocated the construction of three to five large scientific, industrial and economic centers in Siberia.

As the minister explained, these can be cities with a population of "300-500 thousand, better - up to 1 million people", focused on a specific field of activity.