When young people fall in love with red tourism, some pavilions specially designed "Youth Edition" commentary and added interactive touch screens

New gameplay is possible, but the background color cannot be lost

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  The awareness and influence of red culture among young people is rapidly increasing, and the red tourist population is showing younger characteristics.

While maintaining the background, red tourism also keeps pace with the times and has various ways of playing.

  This summer, the newly renovated and reopened Memorial Hall of the First Congress of the Communist Party of China welcomed batch after batch of original seekers.

The reporter saw at the scene that the memorial hall had not opened before 9 o'clock in the morning, and the crowd waiting to visit had already lined up.

  In many memorial halls, former revolutionary sites, and former residences of revolutionary martyrs, reporters have seen scenes of tourists, and some scenic spots are even hard to find.

It is worth noting that there are more and more young people among the visitors.

  A survey conducted by the Data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism shows that the awareness and influence of the red culture among young people has increased rapidly, and the red tourist population is showing younger and parent-child characteristics.

Why do young people fall in love with red tourism?

Explanation of the pavilion design "Youth Edition"

  Statistics from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism show that from 2004 to 2019, the number of people participating in red tourism increased from 140 million to 1.41 billion each year.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and red tourism is even more popular.

Many departments jointly launched the "100 Excellent Routes for Red Tourism in the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party". Various regions have also integrated red tourism resources and renovated memorial halls and former residences of celebrities to welcome tourists from all over the country.

  Some popular red tourist attractions are even hard to find.

At the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the reporter met Ms. Wang, the mother of the post-80s generation who took her child to visit. Her child is writing down the visit experience in the message area in immature font: blessing the country to get better and better.

Ms. Wang told reporters that the tickets are very popular and she made the appointment only after setting the alarm clock.

The reporter tried to book a visit with a mobile phone, and found that red attractions such as the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Red House of Peking University, and the former residence of Li Dazhao in Beijing, all tickets were reserved within a week.

  The "Red Tourism Big Data Report for the First Half of 2021" released by Ctrip.com shows that the number of bookings for red tourist attractions in the first half of the year has more than doubled year-on-year, and the post-80s and post-90s accounted for 70%.

In the first half of the year, the post-00s who ordered red tourist attractions through Ctrip, an increase of about 2.5 times over the same period in 2019.

  In order to meet the visiting needs of young people, the Red Tourism Pavilion is also actively adjusting.

Liu Yang, director of the management office of Li Dazhao’s former residence, told reporters that during the summer vacation, the proportion of visitors to primary and secondary schools continued to increase from 6% to 12%. Therefore, the former residence has designed different versions of explanations specifically for young people. The text scene of the primary and secondary schools, so that they will have a deeper understanding of the red story and more interest."

Gain historical knowledge with immersive experience

  In the Red Building of Peking University, the old sites such as the May Fourth Movement Preparatory Room and the Office of the Chief of Arts and Sciences were renovated and arranged according to their original appearance, restoring the scene a hundred years ago.

A middle school student told reporters that seeing these scenes, scenes from the "Awakening Age" TV series seemed to be happening in front of him, giving him a deeper understanding of that period of history.

  Recently, the Red House of Peking University "Glorious Cause, Red Prologue-A Theme Exhibition of the Red House of Peking University and Early Beijing Revolutionary Activities of the Communist Party of China" was opened to the public.

The exhibition digitizes the articles on "New Youth", and the audience can browse through the yellowed paper "New Youth" through the touch screen.

According to the staff of the exhibition hall, in the exhibition area of ​​about 8,000 square meters in the Red Building, there are 16 groups of new media art like "New Youth", including 2 groups of holographic images, 2 groups of experiential projection, and 12 groups of interactive touch screens. The combination of the old site and the exhibition can restore a more authentic Red Building of Peking University to visitors."

  The reporter saw in multiple red pavilions that the use of modern technologies such as holographic interactive projection, 3D modeling, and artificial intelligence gave visitors more opportunities for immersive experience, surpassing the previous formatting of simply visiting and listening. Process.

According to relevant data released by Mafengwo Tourism, more than 40% of young tourists' interest in red tourism lies in "like immersive experience", and an experience full of science and technology can allow them to gain historical knowledge that they have never known.

Red tourism cannot be over-commercialized, and the background color must be maintained

  Red tourism can not only "remember", but also "take it away."

In recent years, many red tourist attractions have continued to innovate, and cultural and creative products that allow red genes to keep pace with the times are one of the "magic weapons" to "break the circle".

  The Lu Xun Museum in Beijing is the most complete residence of Lu Xun in Beijing so far.

Recently, nearly a thousand people visit this small courtyard every day.

The more popular ones are the canvas bag with the logo of "New Youth Magazine", the bookmark of "Lu Xun's Proverbs" and the reprinted edition of "New Youth" magazine designed and launched by Beijing Lu Xun Museum.

According to Wang Jun, owner of Lu Xun Bookstore who sells souvenirs, many young people have made a special trip to buy these "explosive" cultural and creative products of Internet celebrities, and some have started cultural and creative "purchasing" for friends from other places. Lu Xun's same letterhead was even sold out. .

  In Changsha, "wen and friends during the day, Orange Island at night" has become a fashionable way to play.

With the help of the signs of the newly emerging Internet celebrity cities, Changsha successfully imported "traffic" to the red tourist destinations.

  Professionals believe that when marketing red tourism products, it is necessary to fully study the latest trends of the Internet and re-examine the selling points of this tourism product from the perspective of young people.

  "But no matter how the game is played, red tourism cannot be over-commercialized, and the background color must be maintained." Lu Juan, deputy dean of the Central Academy of Culture and Tourism Management, emphasized that red tourism is an organic combination of red and tourism. Tourism is the form and red is the connotation. , Is the background color.

  Reporter: Cao Yue