Former Political Survey Chairman Kishida has announced his candidacy for the LDP presidential election, and it is more likely that it will be an election campaign.

Many of the factions within the party have not yet decided on a response, and it seems that the situation will continue to determine the trends of public opinion, including the composition of the election, ahead of the lower house election.

On the 26th, the Liberal Democratic Party decided to hold a party member vote based on the party's rules, with the announcement on the 17th and the ballot counting on the 29th next month regarding the presidential election due to the expiration of the term of office at the end of next month.

In response to this, former Political Research Chairman Kishida officially announced his candidacy, stating that he would "listen to the voices of the people and spend his political life showing new political options."

In addition, Prime Minister Suga reiterated his willingness to re-election on the 26th, saying, "I would like to run for the race when the time comes," and the presidential election is more likely to be an election campaign.

In addition, former Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Takaichi and Chairman of the Political Survey, Shimomura, who are eager to run for candidacy, want to improve the environment for candidates by calling for cooperation to secure recommenders.

Under these circumstances, each faction within the party has begun to consider how to respond, and former secretary-general Ishihara, the chairman of the Ishihara faction, has made clear his intention to support the re-election of Prime Minister Suga after being entrusted with the faction's meeting. bottom.

On the other hand, the Nikai faction led by the secretary general of Nikai did not decide the response at the meeting on the 26th, and many factions will decide the response after hearing the opinions of the members of the Diet.

With the House of Representatives election ahead, each faction is likely to continue to assess the composition of the election, the situation within the party, and trends in public opinion.