• Biden confirms August 31 deadline: "The longer we stay, the more risks increase"

  • Afghanistan, Biden: "The priority is to take the Americans away"


August 25, 2021It was announced and it has arrived: Joe Biden has collapsed in all polls, dropping below 50% in the average approval rating, in light of the Afghan crisis and the confusing evacuation from Kabul. In the USA Today / Suffolk University survey, approval fell to 41%, while 55% of Americans disapprove of Biden's work in the first eight months of his mandate. 

The percentage of discontented rises to 62% regarding the handling of the American withdrawal from Afghanistan. Only 26% gave a positive opinion, while the remaining 12 were undecided. For Hill-HarrisX, Biden's approval dropped to 49%, six points down from 55 in early August.

The president continues to repeat that chaos was inevitable, but the dramatic images that arrive every day from Kabul and broadcast by the networks do not help him to be convincing. The poll average indicates that only 47% of Americans approve of how the White House is doing. It is the lowest result obtained by the Democratic president.

Polls from Nbc News, Morning Consult and CBS News all show the same trend of decline and it is not just about the Afghanistan effect. A recent NBC poll recorded a drop of 16 points in four months regarding the management of the pandemic: the approval of Biden went from 69% in April to 53% in August. Even on the economy, a colder opinion: in four months, confidence in the president has dropped by five points, from 52 to 47%.