A woman in an American supermarket has been sentenced to jail for shouting "I have Corona" and spitting on food on display.

On the 24th local time, foreign media including CBS reported that a 37-year-old woman, Margaret Anne Sirco, was sentenced to prison.

Sirco is accused of deliberately coughing and spitting on produce and ingredients displayed on display at a supermarket in Hanover Township near Wilkesbarr, Pennsylvania, in March last year, shouting that he was infected with COVID-19.

▲ In March of last year, Margaret & Sirco was arrested after the crime.

Sirco admitted in June that his disorderly behavior was a felony, including the threat of terrorism.

The defense attorney argued, "The client has alcoholism and mental health problems, and was intoxicated at the time of the incident."

▲ The display of agricultural products in the mart that is being disposed of due to the riots of Sirco

▲ A view of a mart in quarantine after discarding agricultural products

Supermarket owner Joe Parsler had to throw away all items worth more than $35,000 (about 40.83 million won) due to the riot in Sirco. After disposing of the product, the showcase was emptied and quarantine work was completed.

"I apologize for what I did that day," Sirco said in court. "I want to turn back time."

Judge Michael Buff, who was in charge of the trial, said, "I want to turn back time," and dismissed Sirko's actions as "really absurd." .

It also ordered the supermarket to pay 30,000 dollars (about 35 million won).

This is a 'news pick'.

(Picture=YouTube 'WKRG', Facebook 'Gerrity's Supermarket' capture)