Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2020 - 202118h00, August 24, 2021

Historically Vôtre brings together 3 characters who created an empire: Charlemagne who, failing to have invented the school (no offense to France Gall), created a real empire in the West, from the North Sea to the Mediterranean, and conquered, with his army, many territories. But an empire less vast than that of our second character: Genghis Khan or the fascinating conquest of the Mongol Empire by a man who spilled a lot of ink, and blood too… And a more modern builder who also created an empire, media one: Rupert Murdoch, the American media mogul.

The guests:


Bruno Dumézil

, historian, specialist in the early Middle Ages

Author of “Charlemagne, Warrior and Conqueror” (Editions du Figaro).


Marie Favereau

, lecturer at Paris Nanterre University, specialist in the Mongol Empire.

Author of the comic strip “Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire. From China to Europe ”(Editions Petit à Petit) with Laurent Seigneuret who signs the drawings.