• Counterexodus.

    Coldiretti: holidays over for 2 out of 3 Italians

  • Coldiretti: 14.8 million Italians on holiday in July with the latest departures


22 August 2021 Total spending by Italians on holiday in the summer of 2021 between travel, accommodation, food and leisure amounts to 19.5 billion, with substantial stability compared to last year (-2%).

This is what emerges from the balance of the summer holidays drawn up by Coldiretti / Ixè on the occasion of the end of the first major counter-exodus in August which marks the end of the holidays for more than two out of three Italians (67%).

To favor the containment of the budget - underlines Coldiretti - was the Covid emergency with just 1.5 million Italians who went abroad and the boom in zero-kilometer holidays with almost 1 in 3 Italians (32%) who has chosen a destination near home, within their region of residence.

The 33.5 million Italians who went on vacation in the summer of 2021 spent 582 euros each on holidays with an average duration of nine days, according to the Coldiretti / Ixè survey. For almost half of the travelers (44%) the expenditure per person is below 500 euros, while the same percentage (44%) spent between 500 and 1000 euros and smaller percentages will exceed this limit.

With the total reopening of the restaurant after the long period of lockdown, there has been a massive return of food consumption outside the home, with 65% of Italians traveling for holidays in the summer of 2021 who chose to eat mainly in restaurants, trattorias, pizzerias, farmhouses, pubs or fast food restaurants. Food in the summer of 2021 - underlines Coldiretti - is preparing to become the main item of the budget of families on vacation, with about a third of the expenditure destined for dining out, for the purchase of food or souvenirs or food and wine specialties.

The search for typical products has become an indispensable ingredient - explains Coldiretti - of holidays in a country like Italy, which is the world leader in food and wine tourism with 316 specialties with geographical indication recognized at community level and 415 Doc / Docg wines, 5266 products traditional regional products surveyed along the Peninsula, leadership in the organic sector with over 80,000 organic operators and the largest world network of farmers' markets and farms with Campagna Amica. 

Among the destinations: if the beach - explains Coldiretti - remains the favorite destination, tourism in the mountains and proximity tourism is growing with the rediscovery of small villages and minor centers in the Italian countryside, as an alternative to the most popular tourist destinations, while the presences in cities.

The majority of Italians traveling - specifies Coldiretti - have chosen to reopen their second homes, or to stay in those of relatives and friends or for rent, but in the ranking of preferences there are pensions and hotels and they are very popular. the agritourisms which, often located in isolated areas, in family structures with a limited number of beds and at the table and large spaces in the green, are perhaps the places where it is easier to ensure compliance with the security measures to defend against contagion outside the walls domestic.

But in the ranking of preferences there is also tourism

en plein air

camping with campers. A need to be outdoors that is also found - concludes Coldiretti - in the return of packed lunches on the beach or in the mountains for Italians on vacation, with a majority of 29% bringing rice, chicken or sea salad, followed by 16% with mozzarella and tomato and 9% with vegetable or pasta omelette.