BEIJING, Aug. 21 (Xinhua)

title: American "fraud specialist" concocted traceability report, who would believe?

  Author Yin Jia

  In May of this year, the US leader claimed to have instructed intelligence agencies to investigate the origin of the new crown virus, confirm whether the virus has leaked from the laboratory, and report to him within 90 days.

Recently, some media quoted sources to reveal that there is still no substantial progress in the investigation of the US intelligence agency, but the US still intends to release the report as scheduled, and concocts the inductive conclusion of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the report.

Senior officials in the US government believe that investigations are not the purpose, and that it is meaningful to promote investigations. The purpose of continuing to hype "tracing investigations" is to consume Chinese diplomatic resources and increase the US bargaining chip for China.

If the U.S. intelligence services were to "operate in such a way" by then, it would not be beyond the expectations of the world.

A brief review of the history of counterfeiting by American intelligence agencies will reveal that such agencies concocted such reports. Who would believe it?

  "We lie, we deceive, and we steal. This is the glory of America's continuous exploration and enterprising."

Former US Secretary of State Pompeo, who once served as the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, once proudly commented on the US intelligence services.

Let's take a look at how the US intelligence agencies, which have made "great credit" for American hegemony, fabricated lies and made accusations.

  Concoct false incidents, start wars or lead to escalation of wars.

On August 4, 1964, the then-U.S. President Johnson delivered a speech, claiming that two U.S. warships were attacked by Vietnamese torpedo ships in the international waters of the Beibu Gulf (known as "Tokyo Bay" in Vietnam) that night.

Three days later, the Vietnam War broke out.

Facts have proved that the so-called attack was actually a false incident of the US military's self-directed and self-exercised.

  Coincidentally, on October 10, 1990, the HBO television network in the United States broadcast a news provided by CNN: A "Kuwaiti volunteer" testified in tears before the U.S. Congress that Iraqi soldiers rushed into a hospital in Kuwait and placed the incubator. Premature babies were thrown on the ground, resulting in the death of more than 300 babies.

This news aroused the anger of the American people against Iraq.

On January 12, 1991, the U.S. Congress passed a resolution to declare war on Iraq, and the Gulf War broke out.

It was not until a year later that US media revealed that the "incubator incident" was a lie fabricated by the United States, and Kuwaiti medical staff had long pointed out that the "Kuwaiti volunteer" did not exist.

  In addition, the "Iraq War" and the "Syrian War" are even more "classic" cases where the United States relied on false intelligence to instigate intervention.

Using a small bottle of "washing powder" as evidence of accusing Iraq of developing biological and chemical weapons, the United States brazenly launched the Iraq war; using a video of the "Syrian Civil Defense Organization" (also known as the "White Helmet") as intelligence, it launched an air strike against Syria.

It is precisely by concocting false intelligence that American intelligence agencies play the vanguard of the United States in launching wars and creating turmoil around the world.

  U.S. intelligence agencies have also done wickedly in creating fake news and manipulating public opinion.

The well-known "Robin Project" is a typical example of US intelligence agencies buying media personnel and organizations around the world to manipulate public opinion.

The plan was initiated by the CIA in the 1940s. The CIA has admitted that the "Mockingbird Project" has controlled at least 400 journalists and 25 large organizations around the world to serve it.

  In 2014, Woolfcott, a German journalist working for the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, published the book "The Bought Reporter", exposing the history of the CIA using various methods to bribe, manipulate, and use reporters from other countries for its own purposes.

  Recognizing the establishment of the “fake professional household” of the US intelligence agency, it is not difficult to explain why the United States has allowed such institutions to intervene on serious scientific issues such as virus traceability—because the traceability that the United States wants to promote is not based on science. Conclusion, but let the intelligence department give the "desired conclusion."

Having said that, who would believe such a conclusion?
