In a report published by the Spanish magazine "Holadoctor", writer Thomas Vicente says that it is estimated that more than 460 million adults worldwide suffer from diabetes, and the cases are expected to increase more and more.

For this reason, many people resort to adopting different healthy habits to prevent or control diabetes, particularly by eating healthy foods.

In this regard, lemon is one of the main options to achieve this goal.

What is diabetes?

The author states that diabetes is a chronic disease characterized by high blood sugar levels.

Although it is normal to have some glucose in the blood because the body uses it as an energy source, when excess is produced it can be harmful to health.

This happens when insulin, a hormone produced by the pancreas that allows our body to distribute sugar between cells, is insufficient or not working properly (which happens in type 1 and type 2 diabetes respectively).

The author stated that if excess glucose is not treated, the consequences can be very dire, sometimes leading to:

  • Problems with vision, kidneys and nerves.

  • Increased risk of heart disease and stroke.

  • The need to amputate a limb

If excess blood glucose is not treated, the consequences can be severe for people with diabetes (Getty Images)

Although there is no cure for diabetes yet, a good quality of life can be enjoyed by following healthy habits such as:

  • Controlling blood sugar levels

  • Do regular physical activity

  • Avoid tobacco

  • Follow a healthy diet

Regarding a healthy diet, there is a common misconception that fruit can be harmful because it alters blood sugar levels.

In light of this, experts explain that its consumption is necessary to achieve a healthy and balanced diet, because it contains fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals.

Diabetes and lemon

The author adds that lemon is among the main fruits recommended by the American Diabetes Association to fight diabetes for consumption.

Its juice can delay the conversion of starch into sugar, which lowers the glycemic index of other foods eaten.

The GI tract is a measure of how well a food affects blood sugar levels.

It is measured on a scale from 0 to 100, with 100 being pure glucose.

The higher the glycemic index in a food, the more high blood sugar it can cause.

the benefits of lemon

Although all citrus fruits are valuable and rich in vitamin C, lemon may be the most beneficial of them.

Its therapeutic power is due to its low energy content, balanced level of sodium and potassium, as it is rich in soluble fiber, which can delay the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream, thus stabilizing sugar levels and preventing its rise.

Lemon is also useful for fighting diabetes and generally helps:

  • Lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

  • Stimulating the metabolism.

  • Improving digestion.

  • Fight oxidative damage.

To take advantage of these benefits, specialists advise mixing lemon juice with warm water and drinking it on an empty stomach.

In addition, lemon can, in rare cases, cause side effects when consumed in excess and lead, for example, to:

  • Allergic reactions

  • skin irritation

  • gastrointestinal damage

  • Weak tooth enamel

The author noted that people interested in using herbal remedies and supplements should exercise extreme caution.

Besides, don't give up or modify your medications or treatments, first talk to your doctor about the potential effects of alternative or complementary treatments.

Note that the medicinal properties of herbs and supplements can also interact with prescription medications, herbs and other supplements, and you can even change your diet.