Explore science and innovation, enjoy art, devote yourself to sports...

  After the "double reduction", how to "double increase in quality and efficiency" in school education

  【News Investigation·Follow Students' Double Burden 3】

  It is the summer vacation, and Shang Baoshan, the person in charge of the Curriculum Center of Beijing Huiwen Middle School, has begun to plan for one thing after the beginning of the next semester-after-school service.

  In July 2021, the Ministry of Education stated that schools in the compulsory education stage after the start of school in September should achieve full coverage of after-school services, at least 2 hours a day, 5 days a week, and the end time should be in line with the local normal off-duty time and get off work hard. Achieve full coverage of students in need.

The "double reduction" opinions recently released more clearly put forward measures to ensure after-school service time, improve after-school service quality, and expand after-school service channels.

  How to turn the "double reduction" opinion request into a solid campus action?

Like many school curriculum managers, Shang Baoshan faces new problems.

Sports, scientific and technological exploration, club activities, various lectures...The arrangements for a course and an activity are being carefully selected and listed on the schedule.

  Voluntary participation, interest-driven

  Li Xuezhan, a teacher at the Xuanfeng Town Central School in Luxi County, Jiangxi Province, who is nearly 60 years old, should fill his suitcase again—he is thinking about how to use the waste materials around him and teach children how to make small crafts. .

  "A few days ago, some parents called me and asked if I would open a'maker class'. Now, the school has arranged my class in the summer care course." Li Xuezhan's tone was expectant and excited. , "Let the seemingly useless waste products'transformed' into toys. Children are very interested in such courses."

  Li Xuezhan has been serving as an instructor since the establishment of the Science and Technology Production Interest Group in 2008.

Every time he saw the right hand-made materials, he would put it in a big suitcase.

He explored and summarized the six-step maker teaching method of "inducing, learning, doing, playing, thinking, and creating".

Over the years, he has led teachers and students to create nearly a thousand pieces of scientific and technological innovation, and more than one hundred of the selected works have won awards at or above the city level, and have repeatedly achieved good results in national creative competitions.

  The “double reduction” suggestion is to make the best use of after-school service time, expand the learning space for students who have spare time in studying, and carry out a variety of popular science, culture and sports, art, labor, reading, interest groups and club activities.

This provides a broader stage for teachers like Li Xuezhan.

In addition to science and technology production classes, Li Xuezhan's school also offers a wealth of activities such as writing and programming.

  "Interest is the best teacher. Students sign up according to their interests." Li Xuezhan said, "As long as you are willing to participate and are interested in doing it, it is not a burden. Last semester I led the students to do bridge theme handicrafts and work with them. Design bridges, make bridges, beautify bridges, and display bridges. Sometimes it’s time for the end of get out of class and the works are not completed yet, and the students are reluctant to leave. They will not go back until their parents urge them."

  How can after-school services not become a disguised supplementary lesson or a new burden for students?

"Voluntary and voluntary" is everyone's consensus.

  "Whether to participate in after-school services is entirely up to teachers, students, and parents. Each elementary and middle school formulates implementation plans and creatively implements them; parents take the initiative to cooperate and participate actively; social institutions enter in tenders to provide high-quality services; students choose and independently Application, independent study, independent experience." Chen Qiuming, director of the Shenzhen Municipal Education Bureau, introduced the city's after-school services.

  Since the main body now has a variety of optional content.

The Liwang Experimental Primary School of Changchun Ji University Attached Middle School fully explores the professional expertise of subject teachers, offers 156 types of courses, 208 various clubs, and recruiting courses for popular clubs such as poetry joint creation, mind mapping, and theme movies. "It is hard to find one."

  Autonomy is also reflected in the flexibility of time arrangements.

Some primary and secondary schools in Beijing’s Miyun District started their after-school service pilot in March of this year. The compulsory units will arrange physical exercises to ensure "one hour in school" exercise time; the elective units will arrange scientific practice, labor education, aesthetic education activities, and class guidance, etc. Students choose independently.

  "After class service is '5+2', students have more relaxed time to choose the clubs they are interested in." Wang Yanmei, an art teacher and researcher at the Teacher Development Center of Keyouqianqi, Inner Mongolia, said that this banner elementary school was in the afternoon on a certain day of the week. Arrange a two-hour club or interest group class. "After the service starts in September, a student can choose multiple clubs, such as paper-cutting on Mondays and clay sculptures on Tuesdays to expand the artistic experience."

  Make connections and create features

  "The focus of after-school service supply is to incorporate after-school services into the overall school education and teaching plan, making it an effective extension of school education and teaching, and enhancing its attractiveness to students." Deputy Secretary of the Beijing Municipal Committee of Education, Director of the Municipal Education Commission, Said Liu Yuhui, director of the Education Supervision Office of the Municipal People's Government.

  How to coordinate both inside and outside the class so that after-school service becomes an effective connection and supplement to the classroom?

  Li Xuezhan believes that after-school service teachers should consciously move and guide, and by improving students' thinking ability, it can imperceptibly drive subject learning.

"Hands-on operation will make students' hands become more dexterous, thinking more and more active, and the production process will involve a lot of knowledge of mathematics and physics." Li Xuezhan often asks students to use different materials to make the same object, "This can train students' divergent thinking. "

  For example, Li Xuezhan, students in elementary science classes will have an understanding of inertia and friction.

In the maker class, he taught his classmates to use bamboo tubes and optical discs to make a cable turntable. The principle is to pull a thin wire, the optical disc rotates, and it lasts for a period of time due to inertia, and it will eventually stop due to friction.

"I guided students to think about how to change several of these components and develop more functional toys. Sixth grade student Guo Mengchen replaced the bamboo tube with a bottle and installed a rotating body horizontally to drive the toothpick tray to rotate; Peng Xinyi used bamboo chopsticks to replace the optical disc and change the cable In the direction, they have created different styles of pull dials. They are very pleased with their production, and they feel the magic of science and the joy of hands-on."

  "The activities of the interest group developed my imagination and creativity. I was deeply impressed that one time Teacher Li picked up a discarded lamp on the side of the road, and it was disassembled and transformed into a small toy. Very much. Luckily to meet such a teacher." Wen Shiyu, a senior high school student at Luxi Middle School, Luxi County, Jiangxi Province, recalled.

  In addition to intellectual education, after-school services have also opened up new spaces for aesthetic education and sports.

Guo Shengjian, a professor of Hunan Normal University and deputy chairman of the National College Aesthetic Education Steering Committee, believes that school art courses mainly provide basic literacy education, and after-school art education can meet the individualized art learning needs of students, focusing more on interest learning and specialty training. "The two promote each other, one is indispensable."

  In the interest clubs of some elementary schools in Keyouqianqi, courses in paper-cutting, clay sculpture, decorative painting, and traditional Chinese painting are very popular.

Wang Yanmei introduced that in the curriculum construction plans of many schools in the banner, after-school services will be used as an extension of the classroom. Larger hands-on operation space."

  "Teachers teach students sports skills in physical education classes, and after-class services ensure that students have time to'practice hard'. Only when they'practice diligently' and their skills improve can they become'regular competitions'. The results can be tested through competitions. Let students gain a sense of accomplishment in sports." Liu Bo, director of the Sports Department of Tsinghua University, analyzed, "In addition to teaching students the skills of physical exercise and improving their physical fitness, they can also play the role of physical education and help in scientific training. Students temper their strong will, cultivate a sound personality, and achieve all-round development."

  In addition, the reporter noticed that in order to ensure the accuracy and pertinence of after-school services, many schools plan to take the route of high-quality products and small classes.

Many elementary schools in Beijing’s Daxing District have no more than 20 students in each class in the pilot program of after-school care for the lower grades.

For after-school services that will be fully covered, Shang Baoshan also said that Huiwen Middle School will make full use of indoor and outdoor venues according to the course content, and the class size will not exceed the number of administrative classes.

Homework guidance, study seminars and other links are also implemented in small classes and high-quality products.

  Introduce resources, expand space

  "With the'double reduction' policy, I think there may be more students participating in science and innovation classes, but I can't be blindly optimistic. Nowadays, innovative creators tend to smart programming. Many teachers want to do it, but they can't get it. Many teachers The teaching burden of the main course is already heavy, and it is difficult to spare time to study." Li Xuezhan said.

  After extracurricular services are launched, can the educational resources keep up?

  Many schools are working hard while tapping their own potential and introducing social resources.

  "In order to design special courses and activities that meet the needs of students, we should try our best to allow students to exercise, experience, and explore more. In terms of teachers, Huiwen Zhongxian is based on school resources and appropriately introduces high-quality external resources. At the same time, it fully mobilizes the home-school co-education mechanism and University resources, such as introducing industry elites, experts and scholars to conduct special lectures." Shang Baoshan said.

  The orderly addition of social resources has given new possibilities for after-school services.

In the opinion of Wen Jian, the principal of Liwang Experimental Primary School of Changchun Ji University High School, to carry out good after-school services, parent resources are vivid "textbooks", and forces from all walks of life are powerful "boosters".

"We invite scientists, police officers, and parents from all walks of life to enter the campus and into the classroom, and the school, family, and society collaborate to educate people, providing a source of water for the school's after-school service."

  "The aesthetic education documents issued by the two offices and the relevant documents of the Ministry of Education all propose to cultivate one or two artistic specialties of students. It is not easy to achieve this goal if you rely on the classroom alone. Compared with subject training, the tuition fees for off-campus art training are often It’s relatively high. This is because art training requires specific equipment and has a high price level for a long time. I think that relying on after-school service and hosting can play the role of school art teachers and make art in compliance The participation of such off-campus training institutions, on the one hand, reduces the high tuition appropriately, on the other hand, it can also introduce good art education concepts into off-campus art training, and effectively promote its teaching reform." Guo Shengjian analyzed.

  At the same time, Guo Shengjian particularly emphasized the selection and supervision mechanism for the participation of off-campus training institutions: “Take art training as an example. Departmental approval; second, the competent department should organize experts to develop basic teaching standards or requirements, and conduct supervision based on this, focusing on the teacher's ethics and standards, as well as professional and teaching standards; third, the education administrative department and the price department To jointly formulate charging standards and strictly enforce them."

  Faced with the problems of limited resources, venues, and manpower for servers in some schools after class, Liu Bo believes that the government should take the lead in resource integration.

"The education system may have limited resources, but the school has the organizational conditions for corresponding activities; the sports system has many high-quality resources. If a corresponding mechanism can be established for resource integration, it may be able to provide new ideas for school sports after-school services."

  "After-school services should also make better use of educational information resources. The'double reduction' document proposes a stronger and better free online learning service. I think, encourage outstanding teachers in public schools to integrate resources with the support of the regional teaching and research platform ,Opening shared curriculum resources to social network platforms in the form of MOOCs and open classes is an important measure to promote educational balance and meet the needs of students’ after-school learning. It is necessary to improve the efficiency of the construction of information platforms by local education authorities, and pay attention to protecting teachers Intellectual property rights to improve teachers’ treatment and participation enthusiasm.” said Li Yuhui, an associate professor at Beijing Normal University and an expert on the revision and evaluation group of compulsory education Chinese curriculum standards.

  (Our reporter Zhou Shixiang)